View Full Version : So much anxiety over court tomorrow

19-05-11, 11:26
I am dreading tomorrow, so much I feel sick and its really making my anxiety worse.
I'm going to court for not paying for a TV license in the last year, ive been so down with my anxiety my partner sorts out the bills, and even tho the TV license is in my name he said he'll sort out paying it, were both un employed and finding things hard atm, he kept putting the letters to the back of the draw saying il sort it but he never did now I have to go to court. we need to pay up £425 in fines I explained on the phone that I cant pay it all at once, and can we take some money from our benefits but because my partner signs on in his name they cant do that, I have No income myself the benefits is for me my partner and my daughter.

I'm scared of going to court...I have social anxiety and hate speaking out loud i get my words muddled i am not a very strong person so I wont be able to stick up for myself, as well as the anxiety making me feel sick il be a mess at the court.

Is the court like i see on tv the same for these kind of cases? will it be a large room with a judge at a desk? wil i have to stand in a box and explain myself? Im so scared :( this is setting my anxiety right back...everything I have learnt to control it has gone out of the window because of this!!

Please help x

19-05-11, 11:33
I am surprised they are taking it to court to be honest as it will cost them money.

Do you definitely have to go?

19-05-11, 11:40
Yes, I have phoned them and explained I cannot pay, they said I should go to the court on friday..as the letter is a warrant for arrest. I would have only had to pay £125 tv liense but now there fining me its costing £425, so I guess thats how there paying for courts :(

19-05-11, 11:42
Ahh yes.

Well I guess you have to go or they could arrest you as you say.

You will be fine once you get there and get it all sorted out. I am sure it won't last very long to be honest.

19-05-11, 11:46
Thanks Nicola, I think the main stress is thinking its in a large court, if it was a room and a desk id be fine, im just afraid il feel venerable standing there in a big court room..as eyes on me!

19-05-11, 11:51
I don't think it is a large court to be honest - not like the ones you see on TV.

Can you take someone with you as well?

19-05-11, 11:53
in court when thay ask you any thing put your ansers to the bench
did you say you already have fines ?
you can have a friend in the dock with you thats if you not got a lawer

19-05-11, 13:31
Nicola my partner is coming altho im not sure if he will be allowed in.
what do you mean put my answers to the bench?
Yes the fines are now £425 very steep :(
I'm glad someone can be with me, im very nervous about it all

19-05-11, 13:39
come in chat i tell you about court all you want to know stop worrying
god bless

22-05-11, 16:08
Hiya just to let you all know how it went.
I didnt end up having to go into the court room, just the little room before hand to sort out a payment scheme, so pleased its all sorted, the night before my stomach went mental as i was so nervous so its definitely IBS that i have! Thanks for everyone who helped on here and on chat x

22-05-11, 16:47
told you your be ok but keep the payments up god bless