View Full Version : Close to tears, had enough:-(

19-05-11, 13:42
My health anxiety was under control, I was feeling so well then BANG I have started suffering with my IBS and now my mind is running away with me.

I posted on here this week about having trapped wind under my left rib, lots of pain under rib, chest, shoulder etc... I have had hiccups often too. I have noticed today after eating I get a slight burning feeling just in my throat, not chest or back, but I am now totally worried sick I have Helicobacter again or an ulcer in my stomach.

I had Helicobacter last February, my symptoms went away, I suffer from IBS symptoms most days as it is quite bad, I don't really get gastric symptoms until this week.

I saw my GP 2 weeks ago with bad IBS, but then this week I went back with the trapped wind under my left ribs. He was adament I don't have Helicobacter again as this is so recent, and only come on this week. He also said if the treatment hadn't worked last year I wouldn't have got better.

I know he is probably right and maybe this is just trapped wind but it is agony. I feel like crying and I am begining to feel low. All week I have had a trapped wind feeling under my left rib cage, shoulder blade, arm, chest...... and now this hiccuping and I can't seem to eat without having that feeling in my throat.

I am worried sick GP is missing something, I feel this pain won't ever go. He says it is all bad IBS causing trapped wind. Why won't the trapped wind go? Why am I suddenly having gastric symptoms?

I honestly could cry. I have 3 young children to look after, I am now having to deal with this constant worry and the pain of trapped wind is agony:blush: It just won't move from my left side. GP told me to just carry on with peppermint tablets. HE examined me and said it all felt 100% fine.

It is bad enough dealing with IBS, but I'd rather that than deal with this.

I know noone can help me, but can anyone offer some words of reassurance? What would you do in my situation? I am so sorry to post again:weep:

19-05-11, 14:06
Savannah :hugs:

oh gosh I wish I could advise you what to do .............there are similar worries posted by others here recently by Honeypie and Molly ...suffering same hell.
have a read ..and go back to doctors for meds.
you will get replies soon from those that know IBS better than me.

just wanted to send you a cuddle in the mean time :bighug1:
I hate to think of anyone weeping ..............and with 3 little ones to care for it must be so difficult xxx
my son who lives abroad was told to take charcoal tablets for wind ..an old remedy .....he swears by them .........but havent seen any posts here about them . get them from chemist I believe . take care Savannah xxxxx

19-05-11, 18:21
Thanks, so sweet of you xxxx

19-05-11, 18:46
i have been suffering bad with my IBS for a while now and my main symptom is bad wind giving me bad nausea :( but the wind is horrible my stomach looks 9months pregnant and i cant stop trumping :blush: which smells really bad :shrug: i just cant get rid of it and its making me worry so much and feeling down about it i just wish it would go away earlier today i was praising how good i have been not having any acid burning me lately well i spoke to soon my chest & stomach has been burning bad since this afternoon

19-05-11, 18:57
I am so sorry you are feeling so bad right now! It's such a draining experience when you have symptoms that seem to go on forever and you don't get at least a little break from them!
I don't have any great words of wisdom to impart. I wish I did! The only thing I can offer is a cyber (((HUG))) and prayers and positive thoughts that you will feel much better real soon!

19-05-11, 19:38
Feel you pain hun.

Something isn't right with me either & I also have 3 lil children to look after. I'm totally convinced this is bowel/ovarian cancer. My dr says it's probebly ibs gave me mebeverine which I have been taking and they are making no difference. I've to wait for my colonoscopy which could be months.. But what if it is ovarian. My pains are low down just like period pain, back ache, hip pain, also the back of my ribs too.. I feel sick all the time, have no appetite, i look awful. I feel like I need to go but nothing ever comes not even wind. My bowels are either loose or constipated.

Hang in there your not alone.

Lele x

19-05-11, 23:23
Thank you all so so much.

It's just like a constant ball of wind in my ribs on left side and it moves around into my back and shoulders too. I do get trumpy and hiccupy aswell. It's so distressing and exhausting.

Dahlia, I have had manuka honey for colds etc... I didn't realise it can help Helicobacter. I'll go buy some more tomorrow. My GP did say to look for natural remedies.

I take the peppermint capsules but they've done nothing so far. Peppermint tea makes me worse. I bought windeze which didn't help so I got Remgel and they've helped a bit. Within half an hour I'm trumping, lol!! But im now riddled with the wind in my ribs again and I feel constipated despite going to the loo today.

Thanks for all your replies xxx

20-05-11, 10:19
does anybody get right sided pain with ibs

20-05-11, 10:31
does anybody get right sided pain with ibs

I get right sided pain really low down. It's horrible and I always think it's my appendix or an ovarian cyst even though I know it's IBS as it's been going on too long to be anything else

20-05-11, 19:20
I can get it both sides too xx

21-05-11, 03:47
the same thing happend to me .. for like 2 weeks i had this immense pain in my chest, back, lung i felt like i was having a heart attack or lung cancer but i took gas x and i put heat in my back and it got better. i promise its normal. ive never been to a doc about my stomach but i think i have IBS also. just relax i know it hurts a lot when you lay down and move around but it will get better :D:D:D:D

21-05-11, 09:48
Me! Right/left, ribs etc..

21-05-11, 18:21
Hi savanah i am sorry you are going through all this.I am going through exactly the same.I have the trapped wind feeling so bad its wearing me down.I have had these symtoms for 2 months now and they not any better.I too had the blood test for helicobacter and it was positive but my doc told me the blood test only shows antibodies too the bug and it dosent mean i have a live infection so i didnt want to take all those antibiotics for nothing .So he is organising the breath test as that can show if i have a live infection.Do you get when you eat a meal even a few bites you feel horrificly full so you have to stop.To be honest eating and drinking is just a nightmare now.I dont know what the cause is of all these horrid symtoms but my doc says its not serious and puts it down to anxiety.But my mind goes in to overdrive ,and i imagine the worst.Tonight having the terrible full feeling while eating has really started up my anxiety bad again and the ball of air feeling .I hate it.At least you know you are not alone as i totally know how scared it makes you.I hope you a wee bit better.kind regards molly

22-05-11, 20:20
Thank you all for replying.

No I don't feel full after meals but when I had helicobacter last year I did. I'd eat then feel like I'd swallowed a brick and it was stuck on my chest and central in my back. It was awful.

I don't have that symptom now, it's just all in my shoulder/ribs on left side, like a stabbing pain. Which does feel worse after eating.

I was tested for Helicobacter last year, the blood shows antibodies but I knew I'd not had it before so had a feeling I'd need the treatment. I had the breath test which showed it was a live infection and I was treated.

I've felt fine until the last 7 days. I was treated for Helicobacter in Feb 2010.

22-05-11, 20:23
I'm suffering again tonight. Not happy at all! Not sure what to do, just plod on or shoot myself, lol!! I had a roast an hour ago and now I've a stabbing pain under left boobs, a burning type stabbing pain in left shoulder?? And just a general discomfort high up on left side. Worrying again now because it's a week since it started tomorrow and I've never had this before:(

I've seen 2 doctors, abdominal examination all normal and I was told it was just IBS causing pain high up on my left side. The other GP said it could also be a strain from holding myself tense which I really don't think it is as it feels worse after eating, it's stabbing pain aswell which I know isn't muscular and in my back I can feel wind rumbling around.

I am a tad worried it's something more because I've never had this last so long, usually a bit of trapped wind that passes after a day or 2.

Surely this can't all be down to IBS:/??

23-05-11, 00:10
Get your partner or a friend to gently pat your upper back, like you would wind a baby - it really works to relieve bad pain from wind.... I remember I used to have this and it would make me panic so badly - thought I was having a heart attack, but it is truly just wind. You need to move it....also try gently tapping the place it hurts (your chest).

Exercise (light) after meals is essential - just a walk or some calm yoga stretches to help your digestion, also eat really slowly, chew about 40 times before you swallow.

Avoid things like bananas (definite no no) and try blended soups. The best thing to do is eat small meals throughout the day, and not 2/3 large ones. Also, heat is good for trapped wind, try sleeping with a hot water bottle and having warm baths....this may sound weird but the best way to get rid of trapped wind that I know is to kneel on all fours (on your bed or something) and lower your head while raising your bottom - for some reason it releases the trapped air. Stay like that for 15 mins or so and see if it helps you .....

The pain seems totally normal, especially with IBS, but as you have already done you should contact GP if you are at all worried. The fact you have three little ones makes you *amazing* in my eyes - for dealing with your HA and being a mummy - thats awesome. What a strong lady you must be. You have all my support xxx

With love and support

Laura xx

p.s. tried Alka Seltzer??

23-05-11, 11:26
Awwww, thank you so much Labridges.

It has been a struggle at times coping with 3 children and anxiety. I suffer blips here and there due to stress but usually I feel fine and my severe health anxiety is in the past. When I get ill though it tends to rear its ugly head, but I guess most people get a bit worried when they aren't feeling well.

I saw my GP again today as he said to come back if I was no better in a few days. He gave me new meds, checked me again and said it he could hear my bowel going like crazy. He said it is causing alot of referral pain so I am on pain killers, Colofac ? and ranitadine. I insisted on the Helicobacter retest, so tomorrow I am doing the breath test. He didn't want to re test but I insisted, but as my GP has already said he won't treat it I am not sure how it is going to help, so kind of not sure if I want to do it now, lol! If it comes back negative though that would be a nice surprise, I am not hopeful though. I had it last February, I had the treatment and felt ok other than my IBS. The GP today said it didn't sound like HP symptoms at all, more IBS.

Thanks for your reply:).

Get your partner or a friend to gently pat your upper back, like you would wind a baby - it really works to relieve bad pain from wind.... I remember I used to have this and it would make me panic so badly - thought I was having a heart attack, but it is truly just wind. You need to move it....also try gently tapping the place it hurts (your chest).

Exercise (light) after meals is essential - just a walk or some calm yoga stretches to help your digestion, also eat really slowly, chew about 40 times before you swallow.

Avoid things like bananas (definite no no) and try blended soups. The best thing to do is eat small meals throughout the day, and not 2/3 large ones. Also, heat is good for trapped wind, try sleeping with a hot water bottle and having warm baths....this may sound weird but the best way to get rid of trapped wind that I know is to kneel on all fours (on your bed or something) and lower your head while raising your bottom - for some reason it releases the trapped air. Stay like that for 15 mins or so and see if it helps you .....

The pain seems totally normal, especially with IBS, but as you have already done you should contact GP if you are at all worried. The fact you have three little ones makes you *amazing* in my eyes - for dealing with your HA and being a mummy - thats awesome. What a strong lady you must be. You have all my support xxx

With love and support

Laura xx

p.s. tried Alka Seltzer??

24-05-11, 14:15
I was tested for Helicobacter today, I insisted GP retested me as I am sure I have it again. I feel pretty low today, it is making me worry a bit at the moment feeling like this.

It is 8 days now that I have had trapped wind in my left shoulder blade, it hurts sometimes to breath. It hurts occasionally with a sharp stabbing in my left rib cage. I have been told it is all bad IBS causing it as I do suffer. 3 GP's have examined me and 2 have said it is 100% bad IBS.

I am now on Colofac and Ranitadine.

I notice when it is stuck in my shouler blade, if i bend forward i growl alot, I don't burp, it's like a growling and the wind comes up. DOes anyone else get this? Surely IBS cannot cause that, it must be from my stomach. It is all on my left side. After 8 days it is begining to make me feel low, and I am struggling with the kids:-(