View Full Version : New lease of life on Citalopram- giving people hope of recovery

19-05-11, 14:11
Hi all,

I joined no more panic when I started taking Cit in November 2009. I started on 20mg so suffered quite a few side effects. I have been on 30mg since about Feb 10.

I just wanted to give people some hope. I have had anxiety for years and for about six years I was getting help but never tried meds. However after a bad spell in nov I took them. I can honestly say my life has turned around. Thanks to them helping reduce my anxiety I no longer worry about worry the same! It's like a switch has been switched off. I still think about things but it's more a fleeting thought rather than a week of stress! I was struggling with lots of everday things. Now I feel I take them in my stride. This last year has been my best in about the last six from a mental health point of view. So for all those people worrying about taking the pills like I did. I can honestly say it's worth persevering for the longer term benefits. I only wish I'd tried them sooner.
I am now living the life I cried for when I was low. You can do it you just need to keep positive and turn that corner on the road to recovery.. :flowers:

19-05-11, 14:19
Thanks for sharing your story. I have been prescribed Citalopram but I was sick when I tried it and I've been too scared to try taking it again since! It's great to hear a positive story about it. I'm so pleased to hear that you are doing well. Thanks for sharing your experience with us fellow sufferers... it does give us hope! :flowers:

19-05-11, 14:58
This is great to read especially when im having a really low day, thankyou it has certainly gave me a little bit of hope xx

19-05-11, 18:54
am also on citalopram am up2 20mg right now am a lot better than i was a few weeks back but not yet 100% when i was on these a few years ago i only needed 20mg and i was great but i don't feel that way just yet so i asked my doc to up them which he then gave me 40mg but am thinking that's a big jump so may take 30mg for a while & see how i go i just want this negative thinking to go away so i can have a life back again x