View Full Version : Thought I was "cured" then Crraaasshh!

19-05-11, 15:19

I went several months with no anxiety, no panic attacks and fairly good sleep. Then out of the blue yesterday I was thinking about not having anxiety and remembering what it was like and BAM! a massive attack just oiverwhelmed me out of nowwhere. Now thye constant anxiety is back but worse and I didn 't sleep at all last now.
Its like 1 step forward and 2 steps back. I feel as bas if not worse than before.

Anyway got that off my chect and must now try to get well over again!

19-05-11, 23:28
I know how you feel, it's so gutting when that happens. I went 2 years feeling ok then back to square one.
Just remember you got over it once and you will do it again! *hugs* x

Deepest Blue
20-05-11, 00:26
Hi :)

I know how you're feeling as it happens to me too.

You've done really well to fight it and you will do it again.

Sometimes unpleasant things in life always seem to have a habit of reappearing but we slowly learn how to cope better with it somehow and sometimes this happens automatically without you knowing because deep within your innerself you won't allow it to hurt you again like it did before.

I hope you feel better soon,
Take Care

Veronica H
20-05-11, 17:48
Hi Gee

you say.....Then out of the blue yesterday I was thinking about not having anxiety and remembering what it was like and BAM! a massive attack just oiverwhelmed me out of nowwhere....This is not surprising as this is an illness of how we think. The great Dr Weekes calls this 'taking the skeleton ourt of the closet and giving him a good shake' now put him back and I promise you will not return to square one.:bighug1:Vx

20-05-11, 18:22
Thanks folks, your support and reassurance is much appreciated and although I am way behind where I was a few days ago I do feel a little better today.

Thanks again