View Full Version : This is Harder Than I Thought!!

19-05-11, 21:06
Hi there!

I'm new on here, having plucked up the courage to sign up (after much dithering!) a few days ago. It's been much more difficult to know what to put in this *introduce myself* bit than I expected - it feels like I should be making you all like me, but I guess that's just something to do with why I am here in the first place.

Anyway, I've had panic attacks and anxiety for 17 years, (and depressions, and hypers too!)

I never told anyone apart from when I started seeing a councilor a year and a half ago, because it's high time I sorted out my life frankly, and I couldn't go on this way. To be honest even then I downplayed most of it and how much all this has ruled my life! Counsilling has brought huge benefits however, but at the same time I've had to to face up to some very traumatic events in my life. Ouch - So, about a month ago, I ended up at the docs in a very bad way, practically flinging mysef at them! I hadn't slept in months and my councilor says I had a bit of a breakdown. The docs are being lovely and saying they don't want to put labels on me. So, here I am, trying to stay calm and in control!

So, meds (1 reason I never sought help, I was FAR too scared of messing my brain up even more, and being ashamed of being out of control):

1 week amitripityline (OMG, brain explosion - thought it was supposed to make you sleep>?????. *Hyper* as hell, so totally got off that. Now, have tamazipam (sorry bad spelling) for the sleep issue which maybe is at the heart of things??. It does bring me down somewhat and getting a bit of sleep has reconnected me with 'me' if that makes sense.

I've also started taking inositol too since I'd read on here that it had helped a few people. Been 4 or 5 days now. I *think* it helps the sleep, and anxiety, but at first I thought it made me really down, but of course that could be just me anyway. The *down* has passed now, so on a positive note, I've had a great day today. I'll update anyway to let anyone else interested know how that goes.....

Thanks for listening. I've managed to make an essay, so maybe this is not quite as hard as I thought, or it's therapeutic to *vent*, or both!

May everyone's dreams be sweet!


19-05-11, 21:08
Hi Hyperyogi

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-05-11, 21:38
hello there welcome :)

i suffer from anxiety and panic attacks aswell so i understand how your feeling, i go to counselling also which has been a great help for me to talk things out and get to the bottom of things. i take medication also but you do have to give it a bit of time as it takes a while to get round your system and start doing something.

kayleigh x

p.s the cat in your profile pic looks exactly like my cat starlight lol

19-05-11, 21:57
Hi hyperyogi, glad u found us, you'll find loads of support on this site. Lack of sleep is detrimental. It's good you're getting help with a counsellor
. Take care :welcome::flowers:x

Vanilla Sky
19-05-11, 23:29
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

20-05-11, 07:28
Ahh thank you so much for your replies! Nice not to feel alone in this after all this time! I told my parents about it all recently (well didn't have much choice), and it's sooo hard to explain anything. They have no concept of any of it. I'm putting them through hell more than anything. I really don't think people do 'get it' unless they've experienced it. Lucky so and so's!

PS Kayleigh, I choose the black cat because it looks like my 2 boys (cats not humans!). I adore my catsals, they give me so much love and help me no end. One of them has just come and sat on my lap to *help* me type!

Have a lovely day - sunny sunny out there. I'm going for a run now. Always makes me feel lots better, once I've dragged myself there mentally.

Love xxxx:shades: