View Full Version : I just need to spill my guts to people who understand

19-05-11, 21:11
Hello people.

In the last 9 months or so I've developed a massive health anxiety. I know exactly why it's come about, and I know that when some everyday ache is happening it really is just an everyday ache that a year ago wouldn't have caused me to bat an eyelid and is in fact not the first signs of a life threatening illness, but when my head really starts spinning none of that helps.

I'm typically quite a closed person, and so struggle in talking to people about this. So, I guess I just want to say my peace here in front of people who truly understand what its like to have a harmless symptom and genuinely, in their heart of hearts, believe it to be the beginning of the end. And then I promise I'll stop being narcissistic and get involved with the forum properly :)

(Oh, and I'm genuinely sorry if people aren't comfortable to me poking a bit of fun at myself for this. I'm not spitefully making fun of HA in any way, shape or form, instead humour and being lighthearted is just how I tend to cope best with stuff).

Truth be told, I'm just fed up. I'm fed up that something has switched over in my brain that has meant that any symptom I get is no longer innocent until proven guilty. Everything is the first stages of something horrific. It doesn't matter if I feel what most people classify as 'healthy' - no fever, no erroneous blood in any fluids, not feeling any more run down than normal, no vomiting, heavy cough, headaches, no family history of anything that nasty, etc. - 99% of the time, every time that 1% happens I can't get it out of my head that everything is about to change.

So far this year, sure fire colon cancer turned out to be a particularly troublesome anal fissure, a strange issue in my testicles was 'probably a tiny infection or bit of referred pain' and not testicular cancer, and struggling to catch my breath after heavy sneezing turned out to be "Oh that's completely normal, everyone does that". Yes, I actually spoke with a doctor about a sneezing thing. Because it totally could have been something fatal. Oh, and after regularly getting severe, crippling pain in my upper back I had pancreatic cancer, and it was only after a friend sat in my office chair and pointed out that it was broken did I realise it was all down to posture.

My current issues of choice are a strange tingling feeling around my mouth, cheeks and jaw that is clearly nothing to do with my wisdom teeth making a final bid for freedom and affecting nerves\a general anxiety reaction\a sinus infection and is a tumour somewhere in my head, and a slightly swollen\tight throat that is of course also not a part of said infection\anxiety related and a lymphoma. I mean, I can't even find a lymph node - let alone a swollen one - and yet I have a lymphoma. Whenever I forget to eat and feel all weak, it's a symptom and not just because I've been an idiot and forgotten that humans need to eat more than a slice of toast per day. I could go on and on but I'll stop there...

The thing that gets to me about this above all else is the fear. I'm fed up of being scared. I'm fed up with being uncertain. I keep thinking of a great quote from Scrubs with Dr Cox saying something along the lines of "When you hear hooves, you think 'horse' not 'zebra'". Literally just now I just shivered and was like "Ah, I'm getting chills, what could it be?" instead of realising "Hey, my window is open and the sun has gone down...". That is how anxious I can be. While spell checking this I felt a light twinge of something around where my liver should be and skipped over wind, indigestion, awkward posture due to a long day at computer and everything else and went straight to "Is that a tumour starting to press on my rib cage? ****, probably is..." because what else could it be? I just stood up to get a glass of water and the pressure change in my head was obvious. Couldn't be either random or a sinus infection, could it, must be a tumour. That is three jerks of panic in the hour I've had this open absent mindedly pouring our my neurosis....

I actually do feel better about this after just typing this. In a poke-fun-at-myself way (again, I'm a humour to cope person, please don't think I'm suggesting that HA isn't a pretty debilitating thing) it makes me realise how ridiculous some of my thoughts really are.

I'm getting a bit better. After my usual triggers, sometimes I'm able to predict what I'm about to think before my brain has a chance to leap to the ridiculous conclusions and lo and behild, I was right. When I'm able to predict what health worry I'm about to come up with before it can surface, it helps to numb the effect a bit. Without meaning to get too graphic, the best example I can think of is every now and again a bowel movement will cause my fissure to flare up, and before it happens I'll say to myself "There'll be blood in this, don't freak out" and then when there is, because I've predicted it, I know it's normal for my condition and don't have a massive anxiety attack. When I'm tired I can stop myself and go "You're tired, you're being silly, stop it".

Anyway, I just had to vent there. I'm following my common sense and avoiding Dr. Google from now on, but still want the reassurance when it's late at night and everyone else is asleep and you're all alone with your warpy thoughts, so thought I'd sign up here. I'm done with spending nights awake but paralysed with fear and only my anxiety to keep me company.

Hopefully I can stop being quite so scared. And if anyone has waded through my little self loathing\crazy monologue, thank you for listening to me rant. I just wanted to spill my guts in a place where I'd be understood, you know?

Hazel B
19-05-11, 21:21
Well done for posting!

I had a health worry last year and convinced myself I had liver cancer - I had gallstones - but scans also showed a "lesion" on my liver. It took 4 months to be told the lesion is benign; in that time I was convinced I had cancer, I lost 2 stones and had anxiety until 3 months after i got the all clear. I understand the exaggeration and tricks our minds can play, you are not alone.:)

19-05-11, 21:24
That s a great post . So many of us on here feel these things. I completely understand about the fissure as well. Ive had several months of flare ups with one and hemmoroids as well!!..I know how it started and know ive had them before but when your HA is at a peak well, you know how it feels.
I think it does help to vent feelings, I find that too.
I say often ..I really just want to find the switch and turn myself back to the way I used to be , I did it once before though, and I will do it again !!

20-05-11, 00:58
This is exactly how I feel! Something I most likely wouldn't have even noticed last year is something terrible. I too look at it as a 'switch' that has been flipped in my brain.
I love that you have a good sense of humor about it. I went to a couple of therapy sessions to help with my panic attacks and she told me it was great that I could joke about it, kept me in better mental health. Besides the daily 'heart attacks', she thought I was doing fairly well. I told her that when you deal with the anxiety every day sometimes I didn't really have a choice but to poke fun at myself, sometimes takes the "seriousness" out of everything, helps me relax.

Thanks for the post, this forum has helped me hugely in that I can see other people go through exactly what I do. I don't feel quite so alone :)

20-05-11, 02:33
What a great post Something witty, so much of what you have said is what i feel and what kind of attitude i have towards my anxiety too!

i wish you well with everything!

20-05-11, 15:59
I completely identify with this. I'm going through an awful period of health anxiety at the moment, unfortunately whilst writing my dissertation ... always happens at the worst time doesn't it ?! All because I've been itching lately. Unfortunatley I came across a lymphoma website where there are forums for people with lymphoma - I feel sick after reading post after post from people who experienced itching as one of their first symptoms of hodgkins lymphoma !! And now I'm convinced I have it. I really regret using Google in this fasion. I find websites such as Cancer Research etc generally very helpful and often reassuring, but some websites are just disastrous for health anxiety sufferers !!!!!!!!! Really fed up. So good to read about similar people on here though, to know I'm not alone !

20-05-11, 21:36
i agree it is a good post, and i can certainly relate to it. I panic over anything and i always assume the worst. If i have a tight throat ( which is almost all the time so you would think i would be used to it and accept it by now anyway) then i think im having an asthma attack (which i been told i dont have) and start listening to the way i breathe and feeling how fast my pulse is going etc, instead of just thinking well i am experiencing this all the time, if something bad was going to happen then it would of by now, and im sure i would know if i was having an asthma attack.

Im the same with the eating thing also - if i dont eat much or barely nothing i can feel later how week and tired i feel and my eeysight not been quite the same because im dehydrated, but i will automtaicly think im going to go blind.

i could go on forever writing things but i dont want to bore u lol, just i can relate to this post so much!!

21-05-11, 01:49
I want to hug this post and poke fun of myself alongside it. Thank you for making me smile. Hope things start looking up soon :)

27-05-11, 10:42
Great post!! Reflects what most of us feel here, you are definitely not alone.
I am new here as well, and as I read everyone's posts here, I feel that all the symptoms are symptoms of HA and not a serious disease. :huh:

Hope it will all get better soon!

27-05-11, 15:38
everyting you say totally relates to me.....i have health anxiety and ocd very severe form!!! just now imbarely functioning and am full of aches and pains....im so convinced that this time this is it...i seem to get no reassurance at all this time.....im not going to google....ur right it is not our friend!! I just wish i could remove my brain for a while jst for some peace!!! im quite new here also...but there are lots of people here in the same boat. my aim today is to get out ma pjs n get myself together...got work mor.....wish me luck...god bless and stay strongx

27-05-11, 20:37
Brilliant..this is so me. Worst time that bit when you lay in the dark tryin to go to sleep and the little devil Mr Anxious creeps in and whispers in your ear..that little twitch, its this its that, that pain I bet its ... I'm trying also to poke fun at myself and IT (the HA and anxiety in general). I'm also trying to relax abi (tricky with a 2yr old part time job and husband and home to look after)!!

Its just lovely to know that you can sit down and find people of like mind on here that just know what you feel like x

28-05-11, 02:26
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who can poke fun at myself for this. When I'm in the throes of a full blown attack I find it massively helps to be able to laugh it off a bit, and when you're out I find a chuckle galvanises you against it happening again.

Here's to fighting anxiety with laughter!

28-05-11, 10:13
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who can poke fun at myself for this. When I'm in the throes of a full blown attack I find it massively helps to be able to laugh it off a bit, and when you're out I find a chuckle galvanises you against it happening again.

Here's to fighting anxiety with laughter!

i cope with issues with laughter and just laugh things off as best i can , it does work !

I think when we have had a health scare it makes you think that your not invincable and for a good while after any ache or pain worrys us . It does get better , its keeping your mind on the nicer things in life and doing things that make YOU happy :yesyes: that slowly starts to get us back to normal.
One thing i used to do (oohh used to do i must be getting there :D) was to tell myself on a Friday when i finished work that the weekend wasn,t the time to worry and i would re assess any worries about my stomach and swallowing on Monday ! It does work after awhile its very difficult to do but just repeating to yourself "oh yea i,m going to worry about this on Monday not now i,m to busy trying to enjoy myself " everytime a health concern comes into your head .
It seems to re train your mind to think of other things :shrug::shrug:..anyway it seemed to work for me as you are not telling yourself not to worry , just putting it off untill Monday :D

Stay well buddy