View Full Version : When will it wear off?

19-05-11, 21:53
Hi All,

I've been on Citalopram for 3 months now, it's been stepped up from 20 to 40, and now from 40 to 60.

I returned to work under the 20mg, found the jump to 40 ok work-wise, but the 60mg jump has really knocked me sideways.

I worry about driving, I puill over regularly due to the shakes and the tiredness, I'm completely absent for 20 minutes at a time, bowel problems.

When is this rubbish going to stop?:whistles:

20-05-11, 11:26
Hi there, sorry to hear you are struggling. I'm on Cit too...30mg at present (started on 10 in Jan this year, then 20, then 30) I pretty much asked for the dosage increases as didn't feel my anxiety was lifting although depression was much improved even on just 10.

Defo go back to your GP and tell them how you feel. It could just be that they have upped your dose too much too quickly? They do say each dose takes 2 months to settle so to be upped to 60mg in 3 months may be a little much too soon?

I have just come back from the GP who has asked me to stay on 30mg for at least another 4 weeks before even considering another increase? He said moving it up too fast in any more than 10mg incremements in a month can make anxiety worse?

Hope you get it sorted. Jen x

20-05-11, 12:27
This was definately true for me, upping from 20-40mg made my anxiety very severe. Dropping back to 30mg and I started to feel better. It took a month on 30mg before I felt good again.

20-05-11, 13:57
He said moving it up too fast in any more than 10mg incremements in a month can make anxiety worse?

Well that explains a lot. :roflmao:

Amazing the differences in attitude between doctors isn't it!

Had a rocky evening, and a bad morning but things are levelling out now. Apart from having to take another day off work. :doh:

20-05-11, 19:10
I'm moving to 60mg too. In the last week, I've had a few hours here and there when things have been calmer so am hoping the side effects are starting to subside.

I'm still struggling to sleep and am feeling a bit dizzy/sick for a few hours around taking it. Hopefully I'll get back to normal in the next couple of weeks.
I've avoided bothering the GP but will have to if things don't calm down properly soon.

20-05-11, 19:18
Spoke to both a Pharmacist and the GP today over the phone.

The words "chocolate fireguard" come to mind.

All I was told was to keep on with it and focus on the positives. That's all well and good but I figured they'd have been a little more helpful!

24-05-11, 06:44
Hmm, things are starting to get a tiny bit better, well, the shakes are subsiding at least!