View Full Version : Major freak out, one pupil more dilated!

19-05-11, 22:49
I am totally panicking, my right pupil is slightly more dilated than the left (maybe by 1 mm). This isn't always the case but today, when I have been staring, and daydreaming, my eyes kept going funny.

Isn't a more dilated pupil a sign of tumour or aneurysm?!

19-05-11, 23:28
Have you had your eyes checked recently by an optician?

19-05-11, 23:43
If you had an anurism or a Tumour you would have more symptoms and they arent nice ...Having one pupil bigger than the other is not rare .Alot of things can cause it ..Lack of good quality sleep is one of them ,headaches ..Medication ..and Anxiety ..etc...Please stop googling .If you are still worried get your eyes checked out ,the optician will reasure you .T.c Sue

19-05-11, 23:56
OMG! it's getting scary, the amount of symptoms us anxiety sufferers seem to share....especially symptoms i believed had nothing to do with anxiety! I used to obsess about one pupil being bigger than the other, Thought i had MS, went ot my doc, optician etc etc. Turns out, when i explained this symptom to my cousin, hers did the same when she constantly stared and focused on one of the pupils of her eyes....demonstrating that we could actually MAKE our eyes do this!

20-05-11, 11:09
I am fascinated to know how you measured a difference of 1mm in your eyes:shrug:. As have been said if you stare long enough then its quite normal for one pupil to be slightly(emphasis on slightly) bigger than the other. The time to worry is if one pupil is a pin prick and the other one looks like a cat eye at night.

20-05-11, 12:09
I'm quite good at recognising things like that, from my nurse training (which isn't a good thing!).

I'm reassured people have gone through the same thing. I know a few people get it in dim light from reading and it was dim light. I have recently been checked out by an opthamologist and my optic nerves and everything are fine so maybe it was just stress:shrug: