View Full Version : umm...hello

20-05-11, 01:17
My name is Amanda, I haven't been to a doctor to diagnose me, but I suffer from panic attacks and extremely persistent anxiety ever since I was a child. I just started recently talking to my mother about seeing a doctor, and I'm not quite sure how she responded....how do I go about this? I don't want to be "that guy" and self diagnose myself, but I think I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I'd like some help...but I'm too scared to ask for any. I feel guilty for some reason...Like I'm FINE one minute, and the next I'm consumed by these disgusting feelings of dread....please, I need advice.
thank you

20-05-11, 01:20
Hi Nescza

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

20-05-11, 04:02
Welcome to the site Amanda!

You can't suffer in silence hun! Don't be afraid to ask for help!! Anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of! Talk to your Mom again and ask her to make you an appointment.

In the meantime, educate yourself. There are help pages to the left of the screen that have loads of useful info.
Ask as many questions as you need to and people here will give you honest answers.
Ask for support! NMP members support each other. We have all been right where you are now.

21-05-11, 03:51
:hugs:wow, thank you for such a nice greeting! :D
I talked to her just yesterday after I posted this, and she's setting me up an appointment with her doctor!

23-05-11, 17:13
That's great news Amanda!