View Full Version : Stupid Me!

20-05-11, 05:39
O.K. here is the deal, Around four months ago I decided that I have had enough with Cipralex and SSRI"s in general and went ahead and weaned off slowly ( about a month of weaning). After the first week I started having the ghastly brain zaps and constant panic attacks. This went on strong for around three months before things finally settled down (after I gave up and went back on the pills again):wall:.

Ever since, I have not been the same. I have no emotions like I used to, Anger was a huge thing with me in the first few weeks of coming off though. Never the less Panic seems to stick around quite well.:wacko: I'm just wondering if I am ever gonna get back to normal or have I completely wrecked myself for life.

Oh, here's another one! Now I have insomnia big time and I am now forgetting to breathe from time to time. I know that I can't die from this as my body will do the breathing for me as a natural reflex but just seems that I have to really concentrate on breathing or I stop. You know what's funny, I found this site when having my first episode of this crap.:yesyes:

I am so angry at myself for messing things up. but I have strong will and I am never giving up.

20-05-11, 11:45
Hi there
First off, please don't beat yourself up over anything. What you are experiencing now is mostly frustration with yourself over getting back on the meds again.
However, it could be the withdrawal. I used to be the same, emotion-wise. After I stopped taking Zoloft I started experiencing frequent (well, more frequent than usual! :P) panic attacks and ANGER! I was so angry at everyone, everything, so I can completely relate to what you're experiencing right now. I reckon it's because the meds have been 'numbing you' for so long, you're feeling overwhelmed by all the different emotions now. That's how it used to be with me anyway.
It took me over a year to 'wear off' all the symptoms, to get the meds out of my system and to start feeling normal (ish) again, so my advice to you would be to take it slowly. When you feel completely ready, start withdrawing medication, and know that whatever symptoms you're experiencing are just withdrawal symptoms and nothing to be too concerned about. :)
Good luck, take care!!! :flowers: