View Full Version : Flu anxiety

18-04-06, 19:42
I have had a bad flu and bronchitus some weeks ago. Although I have got over them, my anxiety has just suddenly gone throught the window again. I'm obsessed with my breathing (I cannot get my mind off it) and feel very drained. I often have obsessive thoughts when I'm anxious. I'm at work at the moment and I feel so low. Could the illness have an indirect effect on anxiety? Has anyone else found this?



18-04-06, 19:48
oh yes without a doubt. ive just got over a kidney infection and mine is horrendous. i find that if im sick i dont eat as well as i normally do. this definitely has an adverse effect on our nerves



19-04-06, 09:20
hi tulip

Sorry to hear you are feelin sh***y, it is very common to feel low after any virus - this in turn can trigger the anxiety.

What you need to do is look after yourself, eat well, drink plenty of liquids and plenty of rest (spoil yourself a little!)

Hope you feel better soon.

Love Pinky