View Full Version : Blood in stools :-( Will this ever end?

20-05-11, 11:50
I've been having stomach, back and flank pains on and off since April.
They lasted for 3 weeks, stopped completely for 13 days and have started up again, accompanied by rumbling sounds and rib pains.
I went to the docs after the 3 weeks and he GUESSED that it could be IBS and prescribed me Mebeverine to relieve the cramping - I told him I'd had loose stools just the once the day before and this is what made him think it was IBS.
As if by magic, the next day they stopped. I was happy for nearly 2 blissful, anxiety-free weeks.
And on Tuesday night they started up again. Today was the first time I had been to the toilet in a couple of days and I noticed a red substance in the stool and on the tissue, it wasn't streaky, there were just bits and I really couldn't tell whether it was blood or not as usually I can tell. I had blood in the pan back in March and went to the docs, had a brief examination in that region to be told she couldn't find anything and to keep an eye on it.

I have made a medically urgent docs appointment this afternoon and am trying to challenge my anxiety by telling myself that it can't be anything serious because I had to strain a little so that may have caused bleeding, the 'blood' was not dark so it must have been fairly fresh and if it was something sinister than surely the pains wouldn't have completely disappeared for nearly 2 weeks and suddenly returned again.

However...there was a very small piece of stool that was dark which I know can be indicative of blood but I don't know how dark it has to be. Also there is no pain in my rectum, I've had fissures in the past so usually know when bleeding is down to them as I can feel the physical pain.

I think I'm more annoyed that there's always something going on like this and that feeling is stronger than my fear of it being something serious this time.

Also waiting on results of a urine test as I'd had a UTI during those first 3 weeks of pain and want to know if these pains could be down to a recurrence of that.

Fun times!! Anyone been through the same with the blood in their stools?

20-05-11, 11:52
Forgot to add, I didn't even get the Mebeverine as the pains had stopped so suddenly. Also I posted a similar thread a couple of days back so apologies for the bits that I've repeated x

20-05-11, 13:28
You shouldnt be alarmed unless you have more than couple of tea spoons full of blood which is seperate to the stool and on it. There can be tares, haemorroids, all sorts of reasons so please dont worry... IBS can be cause I think, but everyone gets it differently... Hope you get better :) try not to worry :)

20-05-11, 13:41
I agree with spider girl. I have trouble with my bowels, contipation mostly.
when the stools are hard to get though I sometimes have a smear of bright red blood on toilet paper. From what I have been told a lot of dark blood is not agood sign.
but then again a lot or of bright runny blood is not good either
all the best

20-05-11, 14:02
Hi Magic

Glad you agree, I think it only matters what the quantity of blood increases, other wise doctors dont do anything really..

20-05-11, 14:08
Thank you both so much for your help, you've know idea of the amount of relief your responses have given me :-) x

20-05-11, 15:48
Just been to docs, he's referring me to outpatient clinic so they can examine the region with a camera. I must remember to take some popcorn!! He's not worried about it being anything nasty at my age - good job really, what the hell am I going to be like when I am older?!?!

20-05-11, 17:57
Hi Lanesra
Hope the examination will put your mind at rest and the results are ok
Let us know how you go on:hugs:

20-05-11, 21:14
Yes, hope you dont find the investigations too invasive... all the best..

20-06-11, 19:48
Hi lanesra, How did you get on at the Hospital?

I have had similar symptoms, and had a consultation today, and like yourself I have been booked in for a sigmoidoscopy.

I waited 4 weeks for the consultation, which lasted 5 mins, now I got to wait god knows how long for this. Got to love the NHS lol.

Just hope its not too serious.