View Full Version : Seeing Flashing Lights

20-05-11, 16:05

Since last friday I have had flashing lights in both eyes on and off all the time. The lights look like lightening flashes. I went to the opticians and got my eyes checked and she said my eyes were perfect. She said the mostly likely cause is migraines and anxiety. I have suffered from anxiety for many years and have never had this problem before. I just wondered if anyone else has had this ??


21-05-11, 12:45
Im not sure if its the same, but i have had constant flashing in my eyes but afterwards its lead to a bad migraine, i mainly have that instead of the distorted eye sight type thing.
I get on a regular basis where i will say look around the room and blink and it like flashes or like in the corner of my eye i can see it.
But its hard to describe

21-05-11, 15:26
Thank you for replying :) I do tend to have a headache afterwards and I also get the flashes when you look around the room as well. I am glad its not just me :)

21-05-11, 15:32
Hey Tink,

I get flashing in my eyes as well, a lot when I look to the sides. I'm sure it's just a migraine/aniety thing, as it only tends to happen when I am really stressed out or when I'm getting a migraine. Pretty sure it's to do with strain on the eyes :) I just close my eyes for a while or use some eyedrops when it happens a lot.