View Full Version : 21st May world end?

20-05-11, 21:48
Heard it's gathering more media in the US than UK.

Anybody worried? I think it's nonsense but feel really depressed thinking about it all day.

I guess some will also have this for the 2012 one too.

evil monkey
20-05-11, 22:18
bring it on :emot-partyblower:

20-05-11, 22:20
I pretty much think it is total nonsense. Someone has been coming up with this sort of stuff for years. My son's girlfriend think we should have a rapture 'after' party. I kind of liked the party idea even if we just joked about it. I guess I have always thought that if it is the end I can't change it and I believe in an afterlife in heaven so that would be fine. Now if you believe in nothing after this then it shouldn't matter either because one would no longer exist. Personally though, again, I think this is just someone who is a little out of touch with reality and seeking attention. Go ahead and make plans for the weekend!

20-05-11, 22:28
Absolute and utter poop. I could count on all my fingers and toes how many times the world was suppoded to have ended and we are all still here to tell the story.

Don't get depressed about it :hugs:

20-05-11, 23:16
Its poo...im only 24 and i can easily count more than 15 times ive heard this since i was a kid i mean cmon its neerly every year some nutjob says the world will end lol i really wish i could be there when they realise they look like a tit lol.

20-05-11, 23:29
I get really really scared at all of this 'end of the world' stuff even when I know its all a load of rubbish.

All the LHC, 2012 stuff really exhausts me and what I do is look up 'may 21 / 2012 hoax' and it usually comes up with Yahoo Answers with people who seem to talk sense in that its a hoax which calms me down, and ultimately nothing will happen and then I seem to wonder why I started worrying in the first place.

I fell for the whole November 2010 thing and every NYE I seem to get a tad nervous even though I've been through about 16 NYE's and nothing has happened.

Hope that helps.

20-05-11, 23:43
Well we have 15 minutes left so cheers! :yesyes:

paula lynne
20-05-11, 23:55
Ah its that Christian Fundamentalist nutter from the USA called Harold Camping.....and its happening at 6pm according to him. Its all over the internet.....

If he knew his Bible, hed know that it says "No man knoweth the hour, not even the Son, only the Father....." so Im not sure how he worked out the time and date!

Hes spend millions of dollars promoting this campaign for the past 6 monthes...and is going to look like a right idiot tomorrow morning...........what a load of codswallop!

If I dont make it, I love you all, and can someone water my plants please!!!! :whistles:

21-05-11, 00:03
ooo crikey im scared now heard nothing bout it at all untill on chat then poopped on here and it was on very very scared now

21-05-11, 00:08
Why are you scared - how many of these have we have before?

21-05-11, 00:48
This same guy said the world was gonna come to an end in 1994 or 2004 can't remember which but NOW since we are all still here... he says he got the math wrong and recalculated!
He's encouraging his followers to sell everything they own BUT he's got something like 100 million dollars!
It's all bull pucky!

21-05-11, 00:50
i dont listen hunni to it so this is first thing i had a right panic after someone mentione dit in chat x

21-05-11, 08:11
Did they specify a time? only i wont bother traipsing round the supermarket if its anytime soon...:D

paula lynne
21-05-11, 10:31
Well, its 6pm in some parts of the world....guess what......yep......NOTHINGS HAPPENED! DOH!
Massive fail Harold Camping......hahahahahah x

21-05-11, 11:01
No doubt it'll happen 10pm our time - so I can get a full shift in at work beforehand :mad:. Seriously, it better not, I've got a massive day out at the football tomorrow which I have been sooooooooooo looking forward to :footy:

21-05-11, 12:42
hey all,
was worried too... I get anxious over silly things even tho I'm smart enough to use my logic :P just letting you all know it was meant to happen at 6pm in every countries various time zones starting with earthquakes etc etc it's now 9:41 pm in Australia and we are still here with no earthquakes good luck UK and US ;)

21-05-11, 13:20
Im with evil monkey BRING IT ON!!:D

21-05-11, 13:58
I'm sure the Daily Mail would have announced such an important date.

Sadly it is the "end of times" for some of these "cults" when they resort to mass suicide. Otherwise, there are so many parallel calendars and timelines running concurrently that to pinpoint such a "date" to a given century would be a miracle let alone the day and time.

This too shall pass as they say.

21-05-11, 14:39
In logic it's always wise to deny such things, because even if you're wrong, there'll be no one around to know you were wrong :D

21-05-11, 14:49
Who said"BRING IT ON" Yes--- don't bother me.
funnily enough I feel quite calm in myself today
I am usually on the go.
They say that the end of the world is when you die.
It might be me!!!!!!!!!!!!!XXXXXX

21-05-11, 15:40

Made me chuckle :D

21-05-11, 21:36
We all seem to still be here :lac:

I just checked the BBC News site - to be sure - and apart from Celtic winning the Scottish Cup, and a terrible landslide in Malaysia, there doesn't appear to be much else going on.

I guess we'll live to see another day...

macc noodle
21-05-11, 21:44
Rapture what Rapture????????????? Third time lucky for Mr Camping's end of the world prediction :)

21-05-11, 22:17
I researched this because I would have been SO annoyed to find, after doing all this A level revision, my exams have been cancelled due to armageddon related events.
He basically took the quotes "one day will last a thousand years" and something about 7000 years after Noah's flood (wiping out all the sinners), added the verse and chapter of the flood bit, and added it all up or something to that effect to make a date.
The earthquake bit seems to have come from nowhere.
Now no God of mine would make me do MATHS to calculate the end of the world. And why would he not send an angel or prophet to tell us, rather than leaving it to some bible obsessed old fool to add various things up to make a nearby and plausible date? Silly man. And as was mentioned earlier, he chooses to ignore the quote "No man knoweth the hour". Silly SILLY man. Party on dudes!

21-05-11, 22:29
We all seem to still be here :lac:

I just checked the BBC News site - to be sure - and apart from Celtic winning the Scottish Cup, and a terrible landslide in Malaysia, there doesn't appear to be much else going on.

I guess we'll live to see another day...

Some forums I read now say 12am or 2am UK time as US time is different.

21-05-11, 22:55
Some forums I read now say 12am or 2am UK time as US time is different.

Yeah, because obviously if the world ended, it would be on US prime-time :D

This is all such garbage, file alongside every other apocalypse that was supposed to happen.

22-05-11, 00:08
I researched this because I would have been SO annoyed to find, after doing all this A level revision, my exams have been cancelled due to armageddon related events.
He basically took the quotes "one day will last a thousand years" and something about 7000 years after Noah's flood (wiping out all the sinners), added the verse and chapter of the flood bit, and added it all up or something to that effect to make a date.
The earthquake bit seems to have come from nowhere.
Now no God of mine would make me do MATHS to calculate the end of the world. And why would he not send an angel or prophet to tell us, rather than leaving it to some bible obsessed old fool to add various things up to make a nearby and plausible date? Silly man. And as was mentioned earlier, he chooses to ignore the quote "No man knoweth the hour". Silly SILLY man. Party on dudes!

Think of a number, double it, add your age, take away the number of books in the Bible, multiply by how many times people have said the world will come to an end, divide by amount of calories in a bowl of ice cream, take away the first number you thought of :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

22-05-11, 00:31
Think of a number, double it, add your age, take away the number of books in the Bible, multiply by how many times people have said the world will come to an end, divide by amount of calories in a bowl of ice cream, take away the first number you thought of :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

I make that 77 Els :winks:

22-05-11, 01:37
Whens the next non event taking place then ? :shrug::wacko: pffft...:lac: Sue

24-05-11, 06:54
Thats why I feel like this. Did I miss the end yesterday???


24-05-11, 13:25
Whens the next non event taking place then ? :shrug::wacko: pffft...:lac: Sue

The guy who made this one set a new one for October.:huh:

24-05-11, 21:39
I make that 77 Els :winks:

:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: Close !!:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

evil monkey
24-05-11, 22:34
Think of a number, double it, add your age, take away the number of books in the Bible, multiply by how many times people have said the world will come to an end, divide by amount of calories in a bowl of ice cream, take away the first number you thought of :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

I just came up with vienetta http://th251.photobucket.com/albums/gg287/turtl3-73/Emoticon/th_yummy.png http://www.cpukforum.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/thanks.gif

24-05-11, 23:21
I just came up with vienetta http://th251.photobucket.com/albums/gg287/turtl3-73/Emoticon/th_yummy.png http://www.cpukforum.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/thanks.gif

Oh, Yummy!!!:winks::winks::wacko::wacko:

Deepest Blue
24-05-11, 23:41
The guy who made this one set a new one for October.:huh:

Well with the amount of tries he's had at it in the past I'm sure he'll probably get it right by default eventually...:unsure:

27-09-11, 23:50
No one told me :blush:

28-09-11, 05:39
I say BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Only freaks and weirdos think they can predict the end of the world. Did you ever once see where one that predicted the world also predicted winning. the lottery and the won :)))))) Hokey pokey dokey mokey morons!