View Full Version : Still Panicking.... Bowels !!

21-05-11, 08:57
Ok Guys i need a bit of help and rational thoughts here !!
I have been suffering from this episode of HA for 2 months now and i can't seem to find a way out of it. I have problems with diarrohea. I used to go the minute i woke and then maybe 2-3 more times after. I have been to my doctor, had a barium enema, sigmoidoscopy and been to a consultant who all put it down to anxiety. I am taking mebeverine(colofac) tablets which seemed to have helped a little, but i worry because just when i think they are working i will have an episode of diarrohea (watery) out of the blue. Take yesterday for example i had a nearly normal bowel movement in the morning, but just before i went to bed i had diarrohea again. I just can't help worrying that i have some underlying problem even though my doctor has reassured me. Thing is the anxiety is being caused by the diarrhoea so everytime i get it it spins my anxiety out of control. Please can anybody relate to this ? xxx

21-05-11, 09:16
Hi there
I get the same thing sometimes in a morning I will be okay and then all of a sudden I have to run and it is diarredaa they put mine down to IBS and Anxiety I also had the camerara and ruled out anything bt IBS and diverticulitus.
PM me if I can help you.


21-05-11, 09:51
I,ve been like that on and off for 20 years , my first bout of ibs lasted 6 months , it was either the runs or normal and anything inbetween . My poohs have never really been the same ever since i started with ibs although it did go for years , it just comes and goes when it please,s !
All sounds normal to me and the good thing is you have been checked out , do your best to believe the dr and it should settle to what is normal for you , don,t worry your fine :yesyes:

21-05-11, 09:52
Forgot to say certain foods seemed to cause mine aswell

21-05-11, 10:05
Thanks for you replies. I just can't get my head around the fact that i think the tablets are working and i feel a little calmer then POW i will get diarrhea again out of the blue . Can anybody suggest any other meds that may help ? xxx