View Full Version : smear test

21-05-11, 10:00
Got my invitation to have my smear test and this is probably the first time in years that I have waited the three years to be invited for a smear instead of trying to get one done inbetween. I'm really nervous - not about the test but about the results and waiting for them and knowing that everytime the post comes my heart will be racing.

To my knowledge I don't have any symptoms such as bleeding inbetween periods or unusual discharge but I'm still worried there's an advanced cancer lurking and I've allowed myself to wait three years to get it checked :weep:

21-05-11, 10:09
Hi there i know how you feel, I have just had a smear test done, mainly on my insistance as i had a few worries. The wait was agony , but my doctor rang me yesterday to say the results were normal. I had the test on monday and the results on friday, apparently they have a quicker turnaround now. Stay strong xxxxxxx

21-05-11, 11:55
It's really important to have regular smear tests no matter how anxious they make you feel. You don't need to have a smear test more regularly than every three years so don't worry about that. I believe any changes are slow to develop which is why the NHS recommend testing every three years. I know waiting for results is a worrying time, but it's so worth it. Remember that even if you have abnormal cells it DOESN'T mean you have cancer. Sometimes when the tests are repeated a second time and they come back normal anyway! So please don't get yourself worked up about this for no reason! Good luck. :flowers:

21-05-11, 13:27

Just to reiterate what Shoegal said....it's a 3 year wait because there is no need to have routine smears more often :) I had mine a couple of months ago and it was several months overdue...I did feel a bit nervous but as usual it came back fine. The fact that you have no symptoms is the main thing, and like Shoegal said, even in the unlikely event that they found abnormal cells it does not mean you have cancer. I had to have one repeated once but it was just because they didn't get an adequate sample, so if that does happen it doesn't mean there is anything wrong. The results came through really quickly this time so hopefully you won't have to wait too long.

Good luck