View Full Version : Intestine cancer?

18-04-06, 22:31
My brother had food poisoning recently and was having the most painful poos. I then noticed mine were feeling a bit more prickly.

I looked - I wore rubber gloves - and it's 2 tone, with quite dark outer layer and the rest is lighter, closer to orange. What scares me most is there little black (not tar like the ol' internet says, but pretty dark) bits that can be squeezed flat into nothing like tiny bits of plasticine - I mean tiny, like a couple of mm across - and I'm worried that's dried, undigested blood.

I'm even worried mine have started narrowing - another sign. Not sure if it's just me or what.

I had a pain in my intestine but only because I was hunched forward, it seems, as I was reading in bed. Haven't had it otherwise.

Sorry I seem to post the most vile threads.

18-04-06, 23:24
Not an easy one to answer because i don't know how many of us have inspected it that closely. I do know that bright red blood is usually a sign of piles and old blood would be like jelly consistancy (sorry tmi). None of which sounds like what you say. My sons nappies vary greatly from day to day!!
It depends what you have eaten.

18-04-06, 23:26
You definitely know old blood, that would be black, would be congealed and jelly-like?[8]

tmi? EDIT: ah too much info...

18-04-06, 23:35
yes from all that i have ever read when researching (i have health anxietys too) it would be jelly like. Please try to relax and don't worry. We are all on here for anxiety and it is so easy to see things that are not there. I know you are fine.

18-04-06, 23:37
Thank you very much :)

19-04-06, 00:03
Grr can't delete this thread. Please, no more replies, that worked, can we leave it at that pleeeease?

Sheik N Shimmy
19-04-06, 09:42
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Grr can't delete this thread. Please, no more replies, that worked, can we leave it at that pleeeease?

<div align="right">Originally posted by boy - 19 April 2006 : 01:03:35</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

But why do you want to.... errmm .... wipe the thread?

Have you cut down on the old ham shanks?

Keep On Keepin On

19-04-06, 14:10
No pains since the day before my thread about it. I have cut down a bit.

I wanted to get rid of this thread coz it's scary anticipating a reply that could shake my reassured state.