View Full Version : stressing so much

becks xxx
21-05-11, 18:11
I upped my sertraline to 50mg last week, and the whole week i felt so different!! In such a good way.. I had come out of my room, spending all my day downstairs with everyone instead of upstairs on my own, i was out walking the dog. This week, pms strikes and i feel like i'm going mad once again.
Can anyone tell me they've had this too?? Here goes:
My dad has this big canvas in his house of a woman, and anywhere you sit in the room, it's made so it always looks like she's looking at you if that makes sense... I only noticed this the other day when i was round there and i was really anxious
So then i started to feel uncomfortable, cos it felt like the picture was always looking at me, then i thought this is not normal to be thinking this, it's a picture, what a psycho i must be loosing it
So i got out the room and went somewhere else, then when i got home that night i was thinking and thinking about it.. And i remember years ago someone said someone with bipolar always feels like photos are looking at them
This is just making me really uncomfortable, every time i walk past a picture i get all the anxious feelings and it sets me off again. I'm now freaking out loads and convinced i'm schizo. Please someone reply.

26-05-11, 16:58
Sounds like you read a lot into everything, open-minded that there is more to a painting than just the materials used to create it! :) I am similar, I wouldn't have a painting like that in my room for instance because I'd be worried that there was more to it (in a Ghostbusters 2 sort of way)!

You might not necessarily be a crank! :) Maybe you are just very sensitive. If you don't like the painting, then keep away from it, maybe as simple as that! You can spend eternity wondering about the mysteries of the universe.:)

Hope this helps:)