View Full Version : Chest Pain - reassurance needed?

18-04-06, 23:29
I have a pain on the left side of my chest. My logical brain is telling me it is either trapped wind or muscular (I can think of reasons for both - what I have eaten and also the way I have been sitting at my laptop).

It is right far on the left, on the side of my breast and is affected by movement.

Can anybody convincingly reassure me?!!!

I'm very very anxious at the moment and would normally be able to reassure myself better than this so any positive comments I would be very grateful!

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

18-04-06, 23:55
Googled [:I]

Doesn't seem to be likely to be heart related at all.. weirdly I don't feel less anxious though. It sounds like wind[:I] I don't seem able to cope with new or different aches and pains even if they have absolutely no likely scary cause - I just go rigid with terror at the drop of a hat...

I have done more exercise than usual today and yesterday so it really could be muscular.... so frustrating. So fed up. Especially as I had cbt today! And it was good too!

Ho hum.....

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

18-04-06, 23:58
Hi Fee,

I get a lot of muscular trouble down one side, and I'm sure its just that. I sit uncomfortably at my pc as buying a new PC station and chair seems so daunting at the moment!

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

19-04-06, 00:00
Thanks Ray!

Part of me feels silly for panicking but I really am! Actually it feels more wind-like if I'm honest - I think once upon a time I would have called it a 'stitch' and not thought much of it - oh those were the days!!! I think what worries me is that it is sort of almost under my armpit and I can feel a pulse in it.. although why that worries me I can't fathom!

Hope you are well at the moment?

loads of love xxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

19-04-06, 11:45
Hi Fee,

It sounds as if you know it's nothing to worry about really but I understand the inner battle only too well! When I was acutely anxious, I'd freak out at any new physical sensation - even the breeze from an open window! Then I'd feel really silly and wondered how I'd ever get over it, but I did.

Your logical side is still strong though and you will get through this particularly anxious time.

Eeb xxx

19-04-06, 12:22
Hi feege,

You seem to be doing a preety good job of reassuring your self! I am totally the same, my mind is so intune with my body it is ridiculous, every slight twings, my mind goes into overdrive!!!! It's funny because before I suffered with anxiety I was never ill or anything!

We are all here to give reassurance, you are right it is most definantly your body just recovering from exercise, or a harsh curry....lol!

Thinking of you xx

Hay x