View Full Version : Wisdom tooth, sore/bleeding mouth

21-05-11, 21:50
I've had a wisdom tooth coming though for a few years now in the top left handside of my mouth.
Every so often it seems to dig in to the side of my mouth and hurt it when i'm eating. (My fiance said he sometimes gets this too).
It's started again this morning (after months of being fine), it's really bad and i'm struggling to eat because it hurts the insides of my cheek.
I started touching it after eating and noticed blood, i dont know if it's come from the tooth, gum or my cheek where it's been digging in.

I'm a very panicy person, i have agoraphobia/social phobia/health anxieties and now this on top, i'm just really worried.

I dont have a dentist and even if i did i'm too agora/people phobic to go.

Any reassurance?

Thank you xx

21-05-11, 23:15
You will find that Corsodyl mouthwash from the chemist will help with any infection or gum disease should you have any.

Sadly, you will find that you may need to see a dentist though in the end.

22-05-11, 17:42
Thank you. I've been using mouth wash, its like Corsodyl but Asdas own brand.
Its still no better today, i'm having panic attacks about eating and thinking of going to the dentist, i'm so upset and keep crying.
I cant eat solid food without pain so i'm having to have rusks and soup, which i hate (I have panic to do with foods and soup is not one of my safe foods so i'm terrified about having that for my tea.)
My fiance is getting me some bonjella to try and protect and numb it, and someone told me to try a salt mouth wash but not quite sure what that will do.

Like i said it's happened before but i dont recall it being this bad.:weep:

23-05-11, 09:48
I agree with Horse, I suspect that you'll have to see a dentist eventually about this. I think some dentists may do home visits, so it might be worth contacting one or two and asking them.

But, I think the bigger view here is that you really need some treatment for your other panic-related problems, as you'll clearly distressed and miserable, which is such a shame.

23-05-11, 12:30
I emailed a dentist last night and explained about my agoraphobia, didn't expect anything back but I got an email back this morning asking me to ring them.
They have a home visit service and they are going to come out to see me. I've spoken to the lady on the phone and she's really nice, she said they'll come out to me and chat and maybe have a look. She also said it sounds like it should come out but she understands this is not possible for me right now so we'll discuss the options.
I keep being sik and gagging though because i'm not eating
much and i'm so panicky about the pain and whats going to happen. The lady said I was brave though for contacting them so we'll just see what happens.
I'm still terrified but atleast i'm getting propper advice now.

23-05-11, 14:34
That's brilliant that someone is going to come out and see you - at least that's the first step. Keep us posted!