View Full Version : Throat Problems.

21-05-11, 22:24
Hello, so I have been feeling really good recently but for a few days now I have had a funny feeling in my throat its not there all the time only sometimes it feels like I have swollen glands or something in my throat or my muscles have tensed up!!
Its strange and I am not overly panicky about it but I just like to reassure myself that it is in my mind and not a real problem.
The thing is is I have a new job and I start on monday, outwardly I am not nervous or worried but I think subconciously if thats the right word I am a bit nervous as for the last two nights I have woken up with a very fast heart beat and a sense of panic.
Do you think this could all be connected? Any advice would be much appriciated.
Hannah X X X

22-05-11, 09:59
Throat constriction is something to do with anxiety, i get it, mines a gagging thing, like a sick retch thing! happens when i get tense, nervous or anxious..
can happen at night too, try and work out why or if there is a cause, are you worrying about something? things on your mind?


24-05-11, 10:45
yeah i definitly think its connected, because as someone has already said throat problems can be hugely connected to anxiety, such as tight feeling, swallowing problems, the sensation of choking etc. It will be all related to you been anxious about starting work - hense you having sleepless nights.

I reckon once you have started your new job and your settled in you wont experience that senstation for a while, you will find it just stops.