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21-05-11, 22:41
sorry all ive just had enough its all got too much and i dont know what to do anymore, im a right mess. sitting here crying thanks so much for all the support you have given me i appreciate it. I guess i dont know where this is going or where im going or what im trying to say just need to get it out some how talkng nonsense i know but im a mess and i guess panic and anxiey has got the better of me now!!! they win no matte rhow hard ive tired to keep it way it has not worked ive failed, failed at everything!!!!

21-05-11, 22:56

Sorry I could not stay and chat with you tonight.

You are having a blip honey and it will get better.

Have a good cry, try and get some sleep and trust that tomorrow will be better.

I won't be around much tomorrow, but there will be others in chat that will be happy to talk to you and to help.

Take care honey, you have not failed, you are just having a really hard time.

Catch you soon



22-05-11, 00:22
thanks elen no sorries needed thanks for the support appreciate it tc ljd

22-05-11, 00:42
Sorry to read this LJD. We all have crap days and sometimes it drags on, feeling as though it'll never end. But it eventually does. My motto is "Never Surrender". Whether life brings you to your knees or the Gods shower you with all the good fortune in the world, life goes on. You've obviously got through this before so you can get through it again. Coping with our problems while being part of this society doesn't make us "failures" - it makes us survivors.

22-05-11, 01:58
thanks mellancholia like your motto ill remember that. just having a hard time just now its all about surviving i guess...

22-05-11, 02:15
Hope you feel better soon!
We've all been there and you never have to be sorry for asking for support!!
That's what we are all here for, isn't it? Support and information to combat dreaded anxiety!
Prayers and positive thoughts headed your way for love, light, and peace hun!

22-05-11, 06:18
Hi ljd

I hope that you managed to get some sleep and that things look a little brighter today.

I am off soon hence not being able to stay last night.

Just wanted you to know that I am thinking off you.

Hon you are a strong person and you will get through this.

All my love


22-05-11, 06:22
anx can get u down hun ..its hard keep ur head up....take care

22-05-11, 07:44
hold on there, things can and do change :hugs:

22-05-11, 09:56
you poor thing, I am crying, I know just how you feel and it's awful, totally unbearable at times. I am new to this site and hope to find some comfort from it, sharing with people who understand how I am feeling. i just know that I am much better than I was at Christmas, although not good, much much better, and I just have to remember that in reality things are not as awful as in my head and that things will get better. I have been almost incapable of functioning for a year, but as I say bit by bit I am functioning better now, although housework is done very slowly through shaking and breathlessness. I spend my days mostly lying on the sofa with a comfort blanket! It's an awful thing to go through but people have come out of it, I have had periods like this throughout my life, although not as bad as this time, and I have come through as I hope you do. I hope the period of utter desperation has eased for you and you feel a little more like beating it. God bless you, Sue x

22-05-11, 13:29
thanks you all for your kind support and words of comfort i really appreciate them. I just need to keep it all together and not let it spill all over the place like I am. I have so much to do at the moment worried about how ill do it and cope. Have a dreaded exam next week am so scared of. Have to reapply for my job and could be put somewhere else and i hate change i like the team im working for now. and certainly dont want to move to another area... then theres a few health issues i need to get sorted but cant as hate the docs!!!

Hay ho ill plod on....

im so tired, havent been this bad in a long time, i know i have blips but seems different this time, experiencing things i havent felt before and its hard.

well sorry and thanks for being there.

Sue welcome to the site your find great support here as i have. Yeh you can only do bit by bit break things down and prioritise maybe i need to do that and concentrate on one thing at a time rather than see how overwhelmed i am.

tc all