View Full Version : I feel like a total idiot.

19-04-06, 02:43
This really sucks. I haven't taken my pills in about 5 days and I'm feeling the withdrawal affects of Paxil and yet I still can't take them. I put the pill in my mouth and I freeze and can't swallow. I keep telling myself I'd rather take the thing than feel this way and yet I still can't do it. It tastes awful when I crush it up that I gag, and when I mix it with other stuff the taste is so strong it doesn't make that much of a difference. I can't swallow it because for some reason even though I've been taking them for years sometimes I just can't swallow it because it doesn't seem natural and I tense up. I know it is not possible to choke on such a tiny pill nor is it possible to inhale the thing so what is wrong with me?

I really don't want to have to go through this again. :(

19-04-06, 03:03
firstly stop beating your self up by calling your self a idiot that will never make it feel better.

Secondly when I have trouble with swallowing I put the liquid in first then the tablet and if I'm still having trouble I repeat to myself over and over just relax and swollow. You cant swallow if your thinking about it took much stop over thinking the process and take a deap breath and do it so fast that you cant take it back once it done lol. Like when you rip a band aid off of a sore. just tell you self it's lollie if that help's lol.

19-04-06, 23:12
I am going to ask my doctor about the liquid tomorrow but I think we've asked the pharmacists around here before and they said that they didn't carry it in Canada.

Yes it is very hard to do if you are too nervous and anxious so I try to do some breathing excercises, stretches and just tell myself that it won't get stuck. But even then, I put it in my mouth and I start to get nervous again.