View Full Version : Banged my head

21-05-11, 23:06
I banged my head on a friend's car door last night, it really hurt and it still hurts now when I press the bit that I banged.

I felt fine after it happened and just kind of rubbed it so the pain went away but for the past like 3 hours tonight I've felt sick, tired and my mind feels like it would feel if I was having a panic attack (a kind of clouded feeling?). I didn't pass out or anything and I haven't actually been sick.

I had some ciders in the fridge, I was going to have one tonight but I really don't feel like it (totally not like me haha!) and just want to sit down and be quiet (which is like me)

Will I be ok or do I need to seek medical attention?! Quite worried about going to bed tonight :/

21-05-11, 23:33
You'll be fine, I'm sure. You probably just have a nasty bruise and thinking about it is making you feel strange/worried. You're right not to drink alcohol though till you feel better, which I'm sure you will do tomorrow.

You can ring NHS Direct if you're really concerned but I'm sure they'll tell you to take a paracetamol and see your GP.

21-05-11, 23:41
thanks for the reply!
I haven't felt like doing a lot either, I managed a walk into town and back again but thats about it today.
I'll see how I feel tomorrow and I'll make an appointment on Monday if I dont feel any better.

23-05-11, 18:29
Right so I haven't been to the docs but yesterday I was feeling better and I had to go up stairs for a sleep and slept for about an hour and a half. Then today I slept for 12 hrs and then I went out for breakfast, then mum went out at about 1 so I had an hour then, and then she came back and I've just slept for another 2 hours now.