View Full Version : need reassurance. Sorry if a bit long winded.

22-05-11, 10:09
Hi everyone. Just needing a bit of reassurance.

A bit of history to let you in. I have never written it down before.

Im now 31, but was married to an older bloke, 20 years older to be precise. I married when i was 26 and looking back knew it was wrong. Anyhow stuck it out 3 years but became ill over the years. It was so gradual it became normal until i couldnt eat, was constantly on the loo and throwing up. On a spur of the moment i went to the Drs. I was fortunate to get one who listened and was diagnosed with severe depression. He explained it could make you very physically ill. I started citalopram which me twice as bad but persevered and eventually went up to 40 mg. My head cleared and i found the strength to leave, he made life terrible for me and i relapsed but i didnt go back. I met someone else have a lovely home and an 11 month old baby. Two years later im still not divorced and hes stopped paying the mortgage which im left with even tho he still lives there.

I think the HA started as i caught a cold, which then went to a sore throat, then a chest infection then ear infection in both ears and sinus infection. Antibiotics got rid of the infection but my ears are still playing up, very waxy and weepy. Then i felt it a lump in my throat had it nearly four weeks now. The nurse had said its a gland up in my neck, hardly suprising really but yes you guessed it im currently convinced im dying of throat cancer.
On top of this my jaw aches, my shoulders hurt, im feeling so exhausted. My OH said my muscles are solid in my neck and shoulders, its like i have forgotten how to relax. No matter how hard i try. The lump in my throat is not always in the same place, sometimes its not always a lump just a feeling of something not right. Its actually relieved by eating and drinking. No blood no weight loss nothing. On top of this i have found a mole ive had for as long as i know and im convinced its skin cancer.

I guess the voice of reason is trying to come through but im just seeking reassurance or someone who has had similar symptoms. I have a list as long as my arm of things that im going to drop dead of. Im back on 40mg of citalopram again having been off them nearly a 18 months.

Sorry this has dragged on into a long post.

Thanks for reading and it may cure some of you of any insomnia you have :blush:

Jo xx

22-05-11, 11:45
hi Jo,
I'm so sorry you're going through this a lot of people on this site suffer very very similar things and we know how horrible it is but it is completely normal. Just like your Dr told you depression can make you physically ill so too can anxiety cause soo many physical symptoms it's ridiculous!
so really I think the only way to get better from HA is to accept that these symptoms are not from a horrible illness but just your bodies reaction too stress. But of course this is a hell of a lot easier said than done! lol
I've heard it said that these things we feel aren't 'symptoms' but rather just sensations which calms me a bit 'no-one ever died from a sensation'.
Hopefully the medication will take the edge off your distress once it gets back into your system fully
Vicky x

22-05-11, 20:40
Hi Vicky, thanks for the reply, appreciate you reading as it was a lengthy post. I keep trying to think about what you said, its just a sensation. It disappeared altogether earlier, the throat thing, then i realised and its back again. I think the increase in citalopram makes me worse initially but its coming up for 10 days now so hopefully the worst is over.