View Full Version : Dad cancer visiting worries

22-05-11, 13:52
Hi, I suffer from HA, and have a question. It may sound silly but it means alot to me.

My father although we arnt close is in hospital with cancer, I need to go and see him but I worry about if I visit and because we are so alike in build looks everything almost like twins could him having cancer set it off in me with contact?

I appreciate this may sound silly to some but with HA it means alot to me.

Many thanks

22-05-11, 13:58
Sorry to hear about your dad, but you will be fine,, you can't get cancer from being in contact with someone who has it, even if you are related:hugs:

I hope he makes a full recovery and that you are able to manage the hospital visit without much anxiety xxx

22-05-11, 14:03
Thanks for the respone, I just worry because I assume we share so much DNA in common that there could be a trigger of some kind, I dunno I probably sound crazy now.

22-05-11, 15:34
I understand even if its not totally logical. My HA started as a young child as my grandmother was ill ( she brought me up till she died) and then she died so I associated illness with death and after she had died I remember at 5 yrs old being told that I was the image of her too look at and I freaked out that as I looked like her I would die too.

apart from some faulty genes like the breast cancer ones that are passed on 95% of cancer is a mixture of genetics and lifestyle. did you know that there is a genetic tendency to lung cancer - which is why some people can smoke constantly and never get lung cancer but if you have that genetic tendencly and then you smoke you are upping the chance of getting it- something like one in ten people have this tendency but not everyone who has this tendency and smokes gets lung cancer.

On the logical side- if you know what type of cancer your father has, for example if its lung then don't smoke or if its bowel then when you reach 50 ask your Dr for screening etc etc .