View Full Version : feeling like I hit a hurdle :/

22-05-11, 14:15
Hi there! :hugs:

I've struggled with depression in the past, however since 2008, I've been taking medication, and had some CBT, which has been really helpful to me.

Although, lately I feel like I am on a slide, and finding things quite tough.

Recently, I went to see a neurologist, because I've been having 'funny turns' at work, blurry vision and strange head feelings etc. I'm having some tests done at the moment, and been told not to drive. I surrendered my driving licence, and have felt low about it as driving has been a real boost to my spirits (although I completely understand why I've been advised to stop driving).

I really miss driving, and the ease it gave me in getting to work. Its now a nightmare! What was a 10 minute drive is now nearly 2 hours commute in the morning, and the same in the evening, involving trains, buses and over a mile walking each way :wacko: I'm so tired all the time, which I think is probably contributing to how I am feeling at the moment. I'm also taking some new medication from the neurologist (as well as my anti depressants), and having uncomfortable side effects :blush:

Its like a mixture of circumstances have cropped up and I've crashed into them and don't know how to get through :unsure: I'm going on holiday in a week, so I keep looking forward to that, but I'm so exhausted all the time I can't seem to think straight :blush:

22-05-11, 14:33
Hi Budgie,

Sorry to hear you are having a hard time at the moment.....sounds challenging for you. Sorry too you had to give up driving....must of been hard for you.

At least you are having treatment etc...hopefully the side effects from the medication will settle for you soon.

The holiday that you have planned will probably do you the world of good so keep focusing on that and that should help you get through, it helps when we have something to look forward to.

Take care and I hope you feel better soon.
