View Full Version : Swollen Lymph Node and Petechiae

22-05-11, 14:56
I have a swollen lymph node behind my ear which has been like this for over 2 months now. I've been to see my Doctor and she said it doesn't feel dangerous because it's movable. :) I had a blood test and the results came back normal. Would lymphoma show in a blood test? But I've also got petechiae (tiny red dots) all over my arms and I'm worried I could be seriously ill and have lymphoma or something. I'm sure I read somewhere that petechiae is a symtom of Hodgkins lymphoma but I'm not 100% sure. I'm really worried that I have lymphoma even though the Doctor reasurred me that my lymph node was freely moving. But I wasn't ill at the time my lymph node began to swell. If there was a cause for it I wouldn't worry. What shall I do now? Shall I visit the Doctor again? Someone reassure me?

22-05-11, 15:44
Hi hun, your post mirrors me.. i could of wrote it. :) I have two under my jaw, the petachie all over my arms aswell and im always tired (not sure if that sbecause im a mum of 2) i have seen several docs, and had blood tests and all come back fine. i was told blood test wont show cancer but will show the affects of cancer, so they wouldnt be good results. I am so worried i have lymphoma and have convienced myself, but if the docs were worried they would def get us in hospital and they haven't so i suppose were ok :yesyes:

22-05-11, 17:19
I guess you're right. It's like sometimes I stare at my Petechiae and lymph node and get really worried and I'm completely stressed for a few days, but then I reassure myself by remembering what my Doctor said about it not looking dangerous. I'm going to go back to my Doctor next week to see if she wants to do any more tests other than the blood test though, just to make sure. Maybe we have always had petechiae without knowing, but only noticed it recently. Is petechiae a symptom of lymphoma? I'm not completely sure if it is or not. I always thought petechiae was caused by a low platelet count, but that would have shown up on a blood test. :/ It's all so confusing, hehe. :) x

22-05-11, 20:46
If you had lymphoma your white cell count would be extremely high and your test would not have come back normal. The gland could be blocked...or did you have a cold or flu lately...or anything like that. I had an infection in a cut and my lymph nodes swelled like mad. If you had Lymphoma, the blood test would have indicated a problem.

As for the petechiae on your arms....that could just be the sun if you've been out in it. If there had been a problem with your platelet count or red cell count then it would have shown up for sure. I get petechaie as I h.ave a condition of the blood which means I have low platelet counts and if they become too low...that's how I know and it always shows up in my blood tests.

est assured if the blood test was fine, you dont have anything serious

22-05-11, 22:38
Thank you. That made me feel a lot better.

Nope, I haven't had any recent colds or infections, that's why I'm worried. If I'd felt ill I could understand a swollen lymph node. I was also scared because I've heard stories of lymphoma not showing up in blood tests, but this reassured me a lot. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. :) x

23-05-11, 00:25
I have petechiae on my legs. I have read that it can be a side effect of some anti depressants. I'm going to speak to my Doctor about it this week. I'll let you know what she says.

Moonlight x

23-05-11, 16:42
Thank you so much! :) x

23-05-11, 18:16
Ok, I'm stressed out again now. I've been Googling (bad idea, i know) and it seems that lymphoma cannot be detected from a blood test. Petechiae is a symptom of lymphma so I'm really worried and my swollen lymph node still hasn't gone down. I really hope there's some simple explanation for a swollen lymph node and petechia. I'm going to the Doctors next week. :(

23-05-11, 21:50
Lymphoma cannot be detected, but raised white cells would indicate there was a problem. This would prompt a dr to test you for other possible things. Many people get swollen lymph nodes - it may be your body was fighting something off. Even so, go back to your GP and share your worried. Perhaps they can explain how they would know if there were anything wrong.

Moonlightfire - yes some people do have lowered platelet counts with some SSRI's, although its quite rare. Always best to get a full blood count.

I have had petechea on my arms, legs and chest and still been okay so dont worry too much....just get it checked out

23-05-11, 21:59
Thanks again. I will be going back to the Doctor. I'm probably going through another illness-obsessed phase again. A few years ago I had a few chest pains which I convinced myself I had heart disease with and it was only because I was drinking too much coffee. :doh: x

14-06-12, 17:57
Oops, I forgot to update this thread with the outcome of my visit to the Doctor! It's a bit late now but I know there are lots of people who worry about petechiae so this should help reassure them:

I went to the Doctor to ask about the petechiae rash on my inner thighs. My Doctor said that this is a very common side effect of Sertraline/Zoloft and that it was highly likely to be absolutely nothing to worry about. Sertraline causes some little bleeds under the skin sometimes and increased bruising. A year on I still get small petechiae rashes on my inner thighs from time to time but it doesn't bother me anymore :) It's usually a side effect for people taking the larger doses of sertraline - 100mg upwards.

M xx

14-06-12, 21:12
Thanks for the reply. I'm not obsessed with petechiae anymore. Glad you managed to find out the cause of yours. :) Your mind must feel more at rest now. My lymph node behind my ear went, although now i have some weird lump in my ear lobe - kinda right where the lobe meets the side of the face. I'm not searching it online though because if I found out it's another swollen lymph node I'll convince myself I have lymphoma or skin cancer. I hope it's just a big spot. It's been here for about a week. It hurt at first, but now it doesn't - that's just how my lymph node was before. :(