View Full Version : Is this a bug?

22-05-11, 15:20
Two days ago I woke up feeling as if I was getting a cold - I had the raw feeling up back of nose and was feeling bunged up but no runny nose, had tickly throat and cough and eyes stinging - I was expecting to get a real horrible cold but the symptoms just eased off over 24 hrs and yesterday had gone completely. Today I got up but felt fuzzy headed and exhausted and one minute hot next shivery and aching legs. By lunchtime I kept getting sudden huge sweats and having to rush to the loo, no runny poo but just having to keep going - went about 5 times in two hours and had odd low abdominal gripes. Oh and I also didn't want anything to eat at lunchtime which is uheard of for me unless I am ill so was wondering what was going on.
My temp is normal but still feeling hot one minute then bit shivery another. It also feels like a huge effort to hold my head up.

I did have a visitor to my house mid week who said as they were going that they had had an upset tummy over the weekend but no futher details.

Just wondered if anyone else had had this or know if its going round??

22-05-11, 18:41
Well to answer my own question just had a phone call from a friend and she has been ill for 5 days with something sounding very similar to me. She also said that I would get really noisy gurgles when I eat and wind and feel exhausted for days - she says she still cannot face much food 5 days on! She had bad vomiting after two days of feeling ill with headache and cold symptoms and then fluey hot and colds but mine seems to be the other end:huh: I ate a biscuit and immediately had griping pains in abdomen and loads of very noisy gurgles. She said loads of people have got it.

Hope I am bit better tomorrow as I have a hospital appt which is a 2 hr drive away!!!!!!!!

22-05-11, 19:12
My wife has got this. Thanks for sharing.

She said she did not want to get up this morning, was lying in bed feeling really hot as if she was going to be sick but wasn't. No temp but feels hot flushes, Lots of burps and the other and just feeling washed out.

Her mother was over last weekend and complained that she was sick for a day or two after visiting our house. She blamed the Home made Mayo I made. I feel she may have brought the bug to us and it has taken a week to incubate.

Keep us up-to-date on any changes.


22-05-11, 19:49
Thanks Mee - sounds just like me. Eating seems to be the dangerous thing as after I eat I get gripy pains and loads of noisy gurgling and wondering if I will suddenly have to rush to the loo. I am still getting the hot flushes one minute then cold the next but I also don't have a temp either.

I feel really heavy and exhausted and bit dizzy headed as well.

Let me know how she is.

23-05-11, 14:09
Ive had this for a week, so has a friend from work.

Ive had - nausea, bad stomach, chills and hot flushes, headache, bodyaches, joint pain, dizzyness and fatigue.

My friend had the same although she had the sore throat and runny nose with it. Neieth of us had vomiting, just retching.

I havent eaten for five days and have lost four pounds - so there is a bonus.

25-05-11, 07:16
Hi Country Girl

Just wondered how the trots were going. Any Better??


25-05-11, 10:08
Thanks for asking - I am still getting the hots before a bowel movement and going more than normal but not the runs and getting awful trapped wind and bloating from afternoon onwards. Can eat now, feel off balance and very tired. How is your wife??

Sounds like there is alot of things going around.

25-05-11, 10:09
Hi Betty - you sound worse than me, are you off work with it?

26-05-11, 19:05
My wife has shaky tummy, as she calls it. She has a low down ache that makes her feel like she needs to eat something.

Hope you recover soon.
