View Full Version : hello to all on this site

22-05-11, 17:27
Hi just a few words have just joined in the last 20 mins, am so pleased to have finally found people with same problems, ie ectopics/palpitations anxiety
i have experienced all of these have had relevent tests doctors say not to worry but thats easier said than done when they are so regular.
look forward to exchanging thoughts and views on this subject bye for now.

22-05-11, 17:29
Hi bandsaw

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

22-05-11, 17:49
:welcome: Bandsaw, pleased to meet you :)

Vanilla Sky
22-05-11, 19:39
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

22-05-11, 22:01
Thank you paige once i have made sense of how this works i will share my symptoms /thoughts with like minded people:)

23-05-11, 21:32
Hi just a few words have just joined in the last 20 mins, am so pleased to have finally found people with same problems, ie ectopics/palpitations anxiety
i have experienced all of these have had relevent tests doctors say not to worry but thats easier said than done when they are so regular.
look forward to exchanging thoughts and views on this subject bye for now.

hi ive suffered with severe anxiety and stress and i get wicked palpitations , eptopic beats and tachicardia ie fast heartbeats . its part of the condition scarey but harmless.

26-05-11, 08:44
Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than loss itself and making a bigger mistake than mistake itself, so never regret.