View Full Version : May have general anxiety? What should I do?

22-05-11, 17:32
Hi, im seventeen and basically I believe (as well as others) that I suffer from anxiety.

It is more of a general thing really, but it has got to the point where it is taking over my life and I avoid certain situations just because of it.

I have anxieties over all kinds of things...what do people think of me, do I look fat, am I going to fail in life at everything, do people hate me, I cant go to (a certain place) because I dont feel safe there and I will panic, I want to stay in my home, what do I do if this happens, I am constantly paranoid about anything and everything and im always worrying about something however small it is! And half the time I dont even realise I am doing it!

I dont really know what to do. Its got worse and worse as ive got older to the point where id be quite happy staying in my house forever! I am also considering quitting sixth form because I cant face another year of the worrying and panicking and am thinking about distance learning.

Ive cancelled interviews, appointments and anything like that many times! And when it comes to exams I get myself in such a state that I have been known to walk out!!

I hope someone can help me, it feels like nobody understands me including my mum, even though she does suffer with panic attacks she thinks my worries are silly and doesnt have them to the extreme that I do.

And due to my brother always being in hospitals etc when he was younger for years and years as I was growing up I have the biggest phobia of doctors, hospitals etc. and I have been to see one in 5 years, however ill I am.

The list of my anxieties and phobias could go on forever!

So basically I feel like I am in a no-win situation and I hope people
can give me some advice and share with me their own experiences.

Thanks a lot x

22-05-11, 18:48
Hi Joanna

Just wanted to say hello - I'm guessing you don't want to see a doctor then!! Which is a tricky one, because it sounds like you might need some help with this! There are always options though :)

Here's the first things off the top of my head.

No Panic Helpline
Instead of talking to a doctor, you could talk to these people. They are lovely and they are all recovered, or recovering anxiety and panic sufferers. They're fantastic and totally understand. It might give you some confidence in talking it over with someone. They're not doctors, not nurses, but they are trained to talk to you about these sorts of things and will give you some idea of how to proceed. Plus they know too well how horrible it is. They also do telephone counselling sessions which might help?

NHS walk in centre
You can just pop into these centres, it's a lot more casual and they're open in the evenings, so you could get your mum or a friend to go with you. It's usually people with scrapes and sprains and less of the coughing and spluttering. I think nurses are a bit more patient-friendly than doctors sometimes :) It's also pretty dead about 15minutes before they close! Last time I went to one they contacted my GP on my behalf and I never had to go to the doctors, just get a prescription from the receptionist! Useful to know :)

Can I also say please really think about quitting sixthform. It's not going to make your symptoms go away. I'm someone who quit sixthform because my life was a mess. I know it's really hard to study when you've got lots on your plate, but it can sometimes serve as a good distraction. Failing that if it does become too much you could study with the Open University -and do a degree from home! That's what I'm doing (although I still have a fulltime job to do as well!)

In my experience, these sorts of things do not get better by themselves though. Sure you will get lots of support on here. :)

22-05-11, 19:02
Hello there!
I am also 17, and I have GAD. You sound a lot like me: having ot escape from situations like exams, occasional paranoia, wanting to stay in the haven of home...
Lindy ^^^ gave great info there.
I have learnt that however bad I feel, I might as well carry on with life, and you mustn't start to restrict your activities because of your anxiety. If you cancell more and more things, you will become agorophobic. For now, the best thing to do is carry on regardless. As the old war morale motto goes - "Keeep calm and carry on".
You could have a chat with your gp on the phone about this if you are too scared to go maybe? I finally, after 3 years of muddling along with anxiety, have consulted the doctor and she has referred me to a psychiatrist (unfortunately, at this age, you have to bring your family on the first appointment :scared15:)...That is a most unfortunate phobia. Maybe see a private therapist who could help you also..
You could try lots of other things to help, such as books from the library on anxiety (I'm reading a brilliant one right now - How Not To Worry, by Carla somebody) and relaxing baths and tea or relaxation techniques. Lots of things online as well, but never google symptoms if you are at all health anxious.
Good luck.

22-05-11, 19:48
Thanks very much for your replies, appreciate it :)

I would love to try No Panic - but does it cost? And do you have to actually speak to someone?

Thanks so much for your suggestions I will consider them at least...the thing is with sixth form there isnt really another option apart from distance learning I dont think? And youd have to pay...so I dont really know what to do at the moment.

Ohhh do you know why you had to bring your parents? I really wouldnt want to bring mine ahhh...well I doubt I will get that far within a year anyway so I doubt that will be a problem for me if I cant even get myself to see a doctor! Will try and check out that book maybe sometime :)

23-05-11, 17:13
Ohhh do you know why you had to bring your parents? I really wouldnt want to bring mine ahhh...well I doubt I will get that far within a year anyway so I doubt that will be a problem for me if I cant even get myself to see a doctor! Will try and check out that book maybe sometime :)

Well I havn't had my appointment yet, the waiting list is long, but the proffessionals like to see all affected by the "problem" they say on the letter. I think they just like to know a bit about your background, check you aren't living with canibals or something. Its annoying though, I feel like its my problem and I don't want my family involved! I am sooo not bringing my brother. No. Not in hell. Oh well I hope its just the first appointment. I hope you find something that works for you, have faith and stay strong!

23-05-11, 19:13
Ahh yeah shouldnt it just be you on your own with them? Thank you! Good luck with your first appt. x

jaded jean
23-05-11, 19:17
Hi Joanna1994.
I am with No Panic in fact I have just renewed my membership , It costs £12 a year for a weekly hour long phone call with a counsellor who can help you look at your problems and also go through relaxation exercises, I paid through paypal !!
I find it very helpful I even went on to to the 14 week course group sessions, I was a fool tho to stop them on the third week though so I am starting again - this is just the thought of knowing someone is there who I can talk to and help me get my confidence back when its starts to slip away!!
Give it a try- its in the comfort of your own home so courage to you - onwards and upwards

24-05-11, 22:08
Thanks for that suggestion...im just a bit too nervous to start it at the moment! But hopefully soon I will get the courage to!

What is the 14 weeks course group sessions is that online?

I am glad it has helped you :) x