View Full Version : anyone else worse at home?

22-05-11, 21:38
ive suffered with severe panic disorder and anxiety for 11 years.
The last 3 weeks have been really bad the worst ive been to be honest.
I have come a long way this week but still got a long way to go. this time last week i was so scared laid under the duvet on the couch and today Ive been out for 7 and a half hours hardly felt anxious and only 2 sudden panic attacks but got out of them within a min (wow!!!)
Any way the short story is ive been out for 7 and a half hours, first to my mums for sunday lunch then to church and ive been so good, i come home and within minutes feel very anxious.
The last 2 years since we moved ive always felt it is worse in the house esp in the kitchen !! (i major freak out in the damn thing!!!)
anyone else worse at home?

23-05-11, 20:20
Yep me, I am worse at home, I think its because I relax at home and things catch up with me. During the day I am busy and don't get time to think. I alawys feel worse in th evenings when I am trying to relax!

23-05-11, 20:43
I've been much worse at home since I moved to my house last July. I've had panic attacks for a few years but the anxiety only really started when I moved here. I even applied for a job as a caretaker, as the job came with accomodation, and I was so desperate to move.

24-05-11, 03:38
I'm definitely worse at home. If I'm out and about I can shake off any attacks really quickly, but at home I can't get rid of them, hence why I'm up at this time, freaking out :( which sucks, as I would like to feel safe in my own house. Has anyone found a way around it?

25-05-11, 20:18
i am starting to believe my problem is ive managed to find a way of coping when im out so it all happens when im home so its more intense.
Wish i knew a way round it!!...
Been to doc today and been referred to pyscriatric nurse etc as i am epileptic so gp couldnt prescribe anything. Its given me a wake up call though and now feel it might urge me to keep going and try to get better.
im babbling i know!