View Full Version : tender spots and headaches again

22-05-11, 22:47
I'm wondering if it is a side effect of cerazette and increasing citalopram. I stopped taking the cerazette because of continuous bleeding but I've started getting sore spots on skull again like my head is sunburned or I've tied my hair back really tight and niggly headaches in my temples with occasional sharp pains. Is it likely a side effect or anxiety?

I am convinced I have a brain tumour or MS and as you can see, I'm trying really hard to rationalise. I dropped my fork today and people do it every second of every day probably but I convinced myself it is a tumour. I have jerking feet and fingers and things but I don't have dizziness right now, I occasionally forget things like the word I'm looking for or something my mum told me earlier but my concentration and everything is really good and I've had my eyes tested recently at eye casualty and opticians and both said my eyes and optic nerves are really healthy. I can walk in a straight line, and stuff.

Anxiety is going to make me mad! This neuro disease fear is taking over my life:weep:

macc noodle
22-05-11, 22:54
Hopefulmi, sorry to hear you having such a tough time with this anxiety.

First of all, let me say you are not alone and I know how horrible it is to feel this way :0

When you are anxious you do drop things, forget what you are saying, become clumsy, tingling and twitching in our fingers, toes, arms, legs, neck, head ...........................
Oh yes, and not to mention really horrible headaches and tightness in our heads........

If you had any sign a brain tumour, then more than likely the opticians would have seen a problem in your eyes.

I do believe that you can suffer headaches and tingling with Citalopram but I didn't when I took it.

Try not to worry about it (easier said than done I know) and trust that it is anxiety and nothing more sinister.

Take care


23-05-11, 10:49
I noticed last night that the headache was antagonised lying certain ways in bed, maybe this is the source? Any experience?