View Full Version : Upper back, neck, shoulder pain and lots of twitching

22-05-11, 22:53
I am a long time sufferer of HA and have been doing OK lately just a few flare ups in the last month or so. I am not on any meds and I am a 40 yr old male in decent shape. I have a long history of aches and pains and twitching but this is stronger. I woke up the other day and my upper back on the right side right where the neck and back meet was really sore like I had slept on it wrong. Now several days later it is still intermittantly very painful depending on how I am sitting and how I place my arm. I have pain down into my tricep and shoulder. My tricep is twitching like crazy and my right thumb is twitching too. My grip feels weak on that side also. I am not freaking out yet as I keep telling myself that this is a pinched nerve or something like that will work itself out but I can't help but think this is nuero disease, a brain tumor or a tumor in my neck. Does anyone have any experience with these types of symptoms? I could really use some help here.

22-05-11, 22:58
When I was in the height of my anxiety, I kept getting this weak feeling in my hands, but it also felt like a massive amount of adrenaline was trapped in my hands. I also get twitching and jerking and also, neck pain. It seems to ease off when I'm less anxious so I guess its probably the same for you

22-05-11, 23:01
I hope you are right it is just so odd that depending on how I sit I feel like I have a huge knot in my my upper back and the whole violent twitching is so unsettling.

macc noodle
22-05-11, 23:01
I have just seen my doc this last week because I was experiencing upper back, shoulder and neck pain, together with tingling and numb feelings across the top of my head and right hand side of my back.

The diagnosis was that I had some degeneration in my neck causing the problem - some simple diagnostic exercises confirmed this and I have been given some exercises to help loosen the neck and thus ease the tension and pain in head, shoulder and back.

Also, was advised to change my pillow configuration - I have 3-4 pillows which apparently is too high and I need to achieve a more balanced alignment of my neck and back which should be achieved with 2 firm pillows!

Hope you are feeling better soon.


22-05-11, 23:33
Hi. I have Fibromyalgia which causes muscle pain and other random symptoms such as twitching, tingling, numbness etc. I am experiencing a particularly bad episode of anxiety and I have noticed that I have developed several annoying twitches in my legs, arms, and face! My muscle pain has also increased greatly so I think anxiety causes these symptoms and if you have them already it makes them significantly worse. I find the more I worry about them and focus on them, the more they seem to happen, so I try to distract myself so they don't seem so significant.

23-05-11, 10:28
I have two herniated discs in my lumbar spine, amongst others! and I have found that whenever I get back or leg pain it is always accompanied by terrible muscle twitching in that leg so nerves do cause the twitches. I also get then from anxiety almost anywhere in my body the weirdest is in your abdomen.