View Full Version : Signed off with work related stress, need help

22-05-11, 23:16
Hi, can anyone offer me some advice-I feel very alone and don't know who to turn to. I won't bore you with the details but basically for 2 yrs I have been harrassed/bullied by a work colleague - I have taken this to my line manager but she is part of the problem as they are friends. Anyway, things came to a head and I have been signed off with work related stress. I am terrified of the phone ringing with my employers harrassing me about having to go to work meeting, seeing anyone from work who might ask WHY I am off - I feel so ashamed and helpless. I have been told to attend 2 occupational health appts, the last of which I left the place physically in tears as he was so horrible & rude (yawning & throwing statistics at me) and telling me he is putting in the report I will be returning to work in 4wks!! When I don't feel ANYWHERE ready to return. I have now been prescribed anti-depressants from my GP but am worried about disclosing this, should I have any further OH appts, in case my employer then dismisses me on ill-health grounds. My GP wanted me to go on the medication when i was first signed off work, but I did not wish to in case my employer decided this meant I was depressed and this in turn caused my work related stress, rather than, and most certainly the case, it being the other way around. Any help will be gratefully received, I just don't know where to turn. :weep:

Thank you.

23-05-11, 00:05
I'm so sorry you are going thru this!!
Is there any way to go further up the chain of command and report the co-worker to someone who isn't friends with the person?
You shouldn't have to be afraid of going to work!!!
I'm sure there are places like a labor board or something that you can contact but I don't like in the UK so hopefully a member from there can advice you better.
(((HUGS))) to you!

23-05-11, 00:11
I also had problems at work, due to bullying and harrassment and as one of my line managers was part of the problem it was awful. The doctor signed me off and I've been antidepressants for a while anyway. As for OH, they shouldn't be referring you to this until you have been off work for a while. you should contact your gp before they try to send you for another appt as your gp has the main say and the OH can't go against what the gp says. You are also entitled to ask for a different OH therapist if you didn't find the last one helpful and the meeting should be when you feel ready and at a place you feel comfortable. Trying to intimidate you back to work is another form of bullying. Please contact your gp and tell him or her what has happened and let them advise you.
Love Tina x

23-05-11, 09:22
Also, if there is a union where you work, do consider joining as they can provide you with advice and an advocate to support you in meetings.

Contact the HR department - if they are any good, they should be able to provide neutral advice. It's also worth having a look through your organisation's sickness absence policy, to see how they are supposed to manage people with sickness issues. They should also have a bullying and harassment policy, so have a look at this as well, it it should give you some guidance on what to do in your situation.

If your anxiety/depression has been a problem for over 12 months, either continuously or because it keeps coming back, you fall under the provisions of the Equalities Act (which replaced the Disability Discrimination Act) and your employers have to take account of this.

Your employer cannot penalise you for being on medication, so if you feel that this would help you to manage your situation, go back and have another chat with him/her, as it may well be worth you giving this a try too.

If you want any more advice, drop me a PM - hope this helps.

23-05-11, 20:59
Thanks so much. HR are firmly protecting the company, its was they/my line manager that put me to OH when I'd only been off 2 days! Only had to periods of very short absence - and they are aware that each time has been for the same reason - work causing anxiety & stress which has now led to depression. I'm going back to GP tomorrow and contacting the Union. Just feel desperately alone

24-05-11, 13:36
heya, sorry to hear what you're going though. People can be so cruel. If you feel able I would contact the citizens advice. They really helped me with simillar problems and as most of them r volunteers they r usually nice and very hepful, they can tell u where u stand legally and put ur mind at rest! Let us know how you get on

munkey x

24-05-11, 13:50
Hi, can totally sympathise with your situation, experienced bullying in the work place at my last job and it's horrible! citizens advice is a good place to start, they are very good