View Full Version : REALLY anxious - needing support please

23-05-11, 08:51
Hi there, i have just found this site. i have had periods of anxiety on and off for the last six years. sometimes i think it has been triggered by me being really stressed but the only times i can really recall not feeling anxious is when i have been pregnant and so i am wondering if contraception can cause anxiousness.

well this time i started feeling anxious in about october. a family member tried to commit suicide, we were in the process of a very drawnout house sale and i could feel myself starting to feel anxious but this time it presented itself in me being worried about my health.

i have been drinking quite a bit and have had a really heavy weekend this weekend and i know i am likely to be feeling so anxious today because of the alcohol.

i can't remember how long i felt anxious for last time but i am starting to panic about having to travel away on two occassions this year. i am not on any meds, i went to the dr a few wks ago 'cos my anxiety was sky high and he said if i didn't feel any better he would refer me to mental health. i haven't been too bad for a couple of weeks but am feeling really anxious today - due to alcohol? i am considering asking for beta blockers although i am not getting palpatations this time, but just to calm me a bit? would these help?

when i saw someone last time i was told i cautastraphise everything and i know that i do worry about the slightest little thing. i wanted my husband to stay off today with me cos i was dreading how long the day was going to be, think that's what has made me come on here.

sorry to go on a bit, any advice or help would be appreciated x

23-05-11, 09:26
Hi there

If you have a search through the posts about alcohol, you'll find that lots of us report anxiety after drinking, sometimes after even quite small quantities, so there definitely seems to be a link between the two.

Beta-blockers can help some of the physical feelings of anxiety, but they don't treat the anxiety itself. There are other types of medication which can help, but this is a personal choice and you'll need to discuss this with your doctor.

Catastrophising is a really common thing - I know I'm programmed to do this myself, but I've found that CBT has helped me control it a lot.