View Full Version : my beautiful day

23-05-11, 10:30
i got married to my best friend in the whole wide world on the 24th april 2011.....the day was magical , i felt like a princess. my 2 boys looked so handsome and my hubby looked gorgeous as usual!!! the sun was shining and everyone was so happy. it was an emotional day with alot of happy tears . i am using my new title "mrs schofield" to start a new chapter and to conquer my health anxiety...... and as life has no guarentees ... if anything was to happen i no i have my fantastic husband and beautiful family to help me get through anything that life may throw at me!! thankyou you all for your help everyone that has replyed to my panics has been a part in fixing my broken jigsaw....we still have a few peices to repair but we are starting to see the picture again!! and chris has finally starting to get his rebecca back xxx

23-05-11, 10:35
What a lovely post :) Big congratulations and wishing you lots of luck for your future together. Like you say, it's the start of a new chapter - good luck! x

paula lynne
23-05-11, 11:09
Lovely post Rebecca, wishing you love and happyness for your future together as a family. Love, Paula x:hugs: