View Full Version : In massive state over athritis

23-05-11, 11:56
Hello guys. Hope you can help me. I m desperate.
For the past few weeks I have had stiffness in my hands but my ring finger on my right hand was painful, went to the Drs and he sent me for an x ray on my hands. I was also meant to have my bloods taken last week but I came down with awful virus (headache, nausea, bad tummy, body aches, joint pain, backache, fatigue) my friend at work had the same symptoms so I wasnt too worried about that. The body aches I had with it though convinced me the arthritis had spread all over my body.

I keep seeing nodules on my fingers that my husband says are no different to the shape of his fingers. Because iv been in bed for three/four days with virus, when I get up am stiff and my joints crack (did they do that before?)

Ive been reading up on rhematoid arthritis (bad mistake) and people just say its a life of pain and misery. Am a mess.

I have to go back to the docs wednesday to have the blood tests done. But am sacred. My fingers hurt now, although my husband pointed out last night that I spend hours typing on the ipod and thats probably the problem as my fingers are in the same position for hours.

Even the very tips of my fingers are sensitive.

Im worried sick, I havent eaten and ive had ten panic attacks over the weekend. Am i thinking about pain which is making the pain come? Im not doubled over but every little twinge sends my heart racing.

sorry for such a long post. Feel like im suffocating in my own mind.

23-05-11, 14:13

23-05-11, 14:25
I can't comment on rheumatoid arthiritis, but I've had severe osteoarthritis in my left ankle and foot for many year now, because of a road accident I had when I was 17. I know from x-rays that the damage is quite sever, but to be honest it doesn't bother me overmuch on a daily basis. I've learnt the things that will make it much worse, and I'm careful about them, but otherwise I just do the things I want to do and take painkillers if I need to.

In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, don't forget that most people can get relief from their pain and other symptoms. In my honest opinion, there are much worse illnesses to worry about!! :)

23-05-11, 14:53
First of all, take a deep breath. Aches and pains can be caused by many things including anxiety and tension. You need to have blood tests before anybody can determine whether you have Arthritis. It is an auto-immune condition and without looking at your blood they can't tell whether there have been any auto-immune changes. I would think even if your blood tests indicated some sort of auto-immune condition you would need to be sent to a rheumatologist for a proper diagnosis (I may be wrong but that is how auto-immune disease is usually diagnosed). If the tests come back negative then you definitely don't have Arthritis. If the tests come back showing that you tested positive to certain auto-antibodies and inflammation etc you still might not have Arthritis! I know because I have tested positive to two very serious auto-immune conditions but I haven't actually had a a flare up (inflammation). It is a very complex field of medicine which is why I think a rheumatologist would need to see you if anything in your blood test indicates an auto-immune change. Anyway, my point is that positive test results don't always mean that you have active disease, and if you do have active disease there are very good and effective treatments. Good luck and try not to panic about it. :flowers:

28-05-11, 17:10
I was diagnosed with RA over 8 years ago good days and bad days, do I worry about it NO do I worry about my HA yep all the time LOL I wouldnt worry about it as its quite rare and if you have you can join the club.
If you want any further info about it then PM me, take care and have nice long soak in the bath with a glass of wine.
Remember that it does come and go so we get times where we dont get any pain.

01-06-11, 23:23
Thank you so much everyone for your lovely replies. I havent been on as been in such a state this past week. I didnt realise what stress could actually do to you physically. My back was so tense, I could hardly use my arms and legs without being in pain and of course as soon as I walked I thought the pain was arthritis and round and round I went.

Until the test results came back and are negative. No inflammation in the blood despite there being inflammation on the x ray. No rheumatoid factor. Of course I googled it and these tests can come back clear initially.

Am still getting tingling, sensitive fingertips but I assume thats from the inflammation. He has referred me to a rheumy anyway but he says its rare chance I would have it as my results were fine.

You are right what you say, he shouldnt have told me thats what I had until he had had the results back. He told me it was either psoriatic or rheumatoid, wouldnt consider anything else (especially tendinitis as I am always on the ipod) I have also seen that pains in joints can also be brought on by back problems, (which I have) and even early menopause (history in the family of starting very early)
He didnt ask me about diet, dehydration, didnt test me for any vit deficiency, anything. so have to wait three months now to see rheumy wondering what it is.
Thanks for your kind words guys. And if anyone ever asks on here again, can stress cause aches and pains - YES IT CAN!!!!!! lol

03-06-11, 19:11
am still getting aches and pains, my fourth toe looks swollen today. am on verge of massive panic attack. shooting pains all over. help.

03-06-11, 19:31
Have just sent you a PM, will say though that I have RA and I sometimes test pos and sometimes like last week Neg, wierd isnt it but its how the disease works and it can go into remmision and not rear its ugly head for years, just so any one else who might/might not have it know its not the most consistant disease out there and like one person said we can think of other diseases we def wouldnt want.:hugs:

04-06-11, 00:19
Thanks for your PM's jamangie, they really helped me. Am back on here as big toe causing me pain and am googling again. Round and round I go lol

04-06-11, 16:59
I have some sort of athritis. I have not had any blood tests,or asked for help from my GP yet.
I don't know which hurts the most NECK, ARMS ,BACK,KNEES OR FEETand TOES,
I think I have gout in my foot,that comes and goes, but it is like a knife stabbing into down from my big toe.
My fingers are quite out of shape and painful.
I bought a paraffin wax system where you heat the wax up and dip your hands in and then cover with plastic bags,then peel the wax off. It is very soothing ,but time consuming.
I am having treatment from a chiroprator for my back. I had an X ray done
and bascialy it is wear and tear, (osteoarthritis)I see him once a month for treament. I would like to go more often but cannot afford it.
My only other option is my GP and I know from what people have said ,it would mean taking more tablets to add to my list,so ---I hope I can go a bit longer with what I am doing already.
Love to everyoneXXXX

06-06-11, 19:12
Magic, are you worried about the type of pills that the GP will give you? How do you manage day to day?
Im starting to wonder if mine os osteo rather than rheumatoid arthritis. If it wa sjust my hands I would think it was carpel tunnel or some thing, but my toes feel it now too. They feel achey and sometimes i get shooting pains in them, although I read this can be a vit b12 deficiency and have ordered some b12 patches. I dont know what i am imagining or not. When i have a glas sof wine i chill out and the pain goes, but every now and then it will come back. None of my fingers have swollen like i thought (again imagining things) but am having lots of palpitations and have become so aware of my toes now, even when they dont ache/hurt. Sometimes there is pain in my knee too, but when i do yoga it goes. I think its stress. Would I have swollen up by now if it was rheumatoid arthritis. I cant concentrate on anything but this. sorry