View Full Version : Cancer worries

23-05-11, 13:51
Hi i have had cancer worries now fof years but carnt seem to shake it my latest episode is lower back pain and in my bum , pains in my shoulders and legs also headaches and pains in my higher back i carnt get into my doctors until Wednesday is there anyway that cancer could have spread all over my body without getting very ill it just the pain isn't that bad but i think my body is more sensitive now because iam anxious

23-05-11, 18:01
Anyone just carnt seem to think straight i have thought that i have had cancer before but its never been but i keep thinking it could be this time

23-05-11, 21:00
I think nearly eveyone one on here thinks their every symptom might be cancer thats health anxiety. My Dr explained that every bodily symptom we have "could" be a sign of cancer which is why Dr Google always says so! but Drs are trained to not only listen to your symptoms to look for "red flag" signs of serious illness. Their is a huge difference between symptoms and signs, for example a headache could be a brain tumour but on its own is very very rarely one but someoen with a headache and siezures has a red flag sign that they need to rule out a brain tumour. See what I mean?

Explain your fears to your Dr when you see them and they can explain to you why they think you are wrong in your diagnosis - remember they are not mind readers as one told me so don't know what you are worrying about.

23-05-11, 21:26
Comforting and sound advice as always - Countrygirl rocks!

Sounds like the physical symptoms of anxiety, all of which I have gone through over the last few months. Best advice I can give is try some deep breathing and muscle relaxing.

Try nice long breaths in... and out... and then raise your shoulders and drop, like you were dropping two suitcases exhaling as you do it. It really helps the aches & pains.

Nice hot bath, telly and some T&C too.

I'm 6 mths plus into CBT but this site is so helpful so keep posting and reading.

23-05-11, 22:19
Thanks for your replys will tell my doctor when i go and will try and relax