View Full Version : should i try it?

23-05-11, 14:08
Iv been taking fluoxetine for about 7 years when i was 15. I was precribed it was depression and anxiety.

I do feel things have improved over the years but not enough. I dont even feel it has been doing anything for my moods for years.
For the past year iv been cutting down, im now only taking a mil or half a mil. I know that tiny amount does hardly anything, im just afraid of not taking it after so long!!

My doctor has given me a prescription for citalopram 10mg. He said its up to me but does think it would be good idea just to see if it might help. Im so scared of side effects and how im going to feel.

He also cancelled my fluox :unsure: sooo its either take nothing or start citalopram?

anyone's experiences changing from fluox to citalopram would be really helpful:flowers:

24-05-11, 03:36
10mg is the starting dose for anxiety sufferers (and is a low dose) then increased after a while as starting too high can flare anxiety. Ive known about4 people and myself to have taken it, each with not very good stories but everyone is different (and there experiences different), so it's up to you really..... Haven't you been offered the chance to try TCAs, SNRI's etc?

25-05-11, 08:26
I was on fluoxetine for six years, then I had a relapse of my anxiety on it and it clearly wasn't working for me. My GP tried to up my dose from 20mg to 40mg which was terrible so they changed me over to citalopram 20mg. Since then things have been much better. I was fine changing straight from one to the other. I had tiredness and headaches for a few days, but no major side effects.

I guess you just won't know until you try it. It may definitely be worth a go if you're still struggling.

Laura x