View Full Version : Hey everyone im new

23-05-11, 14:16
Hey everyone, first of all I would like to say how glad I am that I have come across this website, its very reassuring that Im not the only one experiecing all these horrible symptoms.

Im just looking to see if anyone has experienced what Im feeling, so here we go (sorry about the essay)

It all started around 6 months ago. Out of the blue I went to swallow and just couldnt it was like my throat had closed over and i felt like i was going to choke. (dramatic i know lol).

This feeling became more frequent to the point where i had it all the time.
This made me super concious of swallowing to the point where I couldnt swallow without having to think about it. I would just sit and wait for the next one. Then i got parinoid that i wouldnt be able to swallow. Everytime I would have to leave the house it felt like i couldnt swallow. I also feel spaced out all the time, dizzy, feel like i cant breathe and so many other things. I cant seem to stop obsessing about every little feeling in my body if i get the slightest senstaion anywhere it makes me panic.

Now i have a new symptom my throat feels numb. The only way i can descibe it is when i swallow i cant feel anything. This has affected my eating big time. I chew endlessly then have to force myself to swallow its horrible. Crazy as it sounds i have to eat in front of a mirror to make sure that my throat is moving when i swallow. Iv been to the doctors 6 times since this all started and they all say its caused by anxiety (including the numb throat) and that I need to change the way im thinking.But im finding it really hard to belive that its all in my head. Iv been percriped anti depressents and Beta blockers and am also on the waiting list for CBT. I want to try and beat this without medication if possible.
I also have been googling symptoms and some of the things that come up scare me to death! I just feel so hopeless at the moment the thought of living another day like this.

So my question is has anybody experienced this numb throat and can this really all be in my head?

Thanks for reading

Take care

23-05-11, 14:50
Hey Amy, like u I'm struggling to think all my symptoms are down to anxiety and every little ache and pain I get I spend ages thinking about what it could be! I've had mine now for nearly four months but it is more my heart then my throat, but I did have the feeling of not being able to swallow and a tingling feeling in my throat for a few weeks the doctor reassured me that it was anxiety and when I forgot about it went away! Like u I have that spaced out feeling all the time and it's horrible but I defently think it is the anxiety, I've had so many tests and they have found nothing wrong! Try your best not to google ur symptoms it will only make you feel worse, I was doing this for every little symptom I had and freaked myself out as it would say heart attack, cancer etc. But I defently think what you have is down to anxiety so try not to worry (easy said then done) I hope this helps a bit and u start feeling better, take care Toni x:)