View Full Version : crash, help!

23-05-11, 14:17
Hey everyone

Im trying not to crash, ive been put in hospital and i dont want to go back (nasty experience just made things worse) but im on the edge. Im seeing a crisis team but thats no help and im struggling to keep my head above water, my brain is desperate to be anxious and wont let anything get in its way, talking, CBT, breathing, excercise, reading, watching tv have no match for its power i cant seem to do anything to get the bad thoughts out of my head, please someone help!

23-05-11, 14:47
help me what should i do

23-05-11, 18:14
help me what should i do

Robert, I know exactly what you are going through. I have just had a similar crash myself. I was really well for about 6 weeks and then BAM! a massive anxiety attack cam on and it wont go away. I try to keep as occupied as possible, watching TV and playing video games online keep my mind away from the anxiety.
Can you give yourself something to look forward to like a holiday or break from your normal life. Thats what I am doing next week. I feel really bad at the moment and it is a gamble but I'm going away hoping that the change will make me feel a little better.
Are you taking any meds? I tried for months to go without but I just fail.
If you are not and are feeling this bad ask your doctor/psychiatrist for something to take the edge off.
If you feel desperate come on here to the chat room.