View Full Version : why?

23-05-11, 14:57
Isnt there a quick relief from this, ive had enough, i cant take it anymore! What have i done top deserve this, there is no relief, there is no break, how can i be happy again now i have this! Yes i know it takes a long time to mend, but how to survive in the meantime, nothing works. Nothing. I am tired of being anxious 24/7 its only been 2 months and i am at breaking point.

23-05-11, 21:08
Robot, please ask for professional help and if necessary some medication to give you some respite from the anxiety while you build up your reserves of strength. I know how you feel as do many here.
You will get through it but you will probably need help and unfortunately as in my case drugs were my last but necessary recourse. Without them I know I would have ended it all by now.
Do you work? How do you spend your time. I know how difficult it is to fill the hours in a day when you feel so bad all the time.
I'm 55, work at home a lot when I can. What gets me through is I bough an Xbox 360 and I play video games online. This can produce adrenaline which is not so good for anxiety but it gets used up in the course of the play. I highly recommend it.