View Full Version : Constant Dizziness

23-05-11, 15:05
Hello , i was wondering if anyone could help me?

Basically i suffer with constant dizziness. Its always been somewhat of a fear from a young age , but in september 2009 i took 4 olanzapine tablets. I fell sleep as they have a sedating effect; when i woke up i felt so dizzy/lightheaded. I hated this type of feeling prior to this anyway. i would never go on a fair ground ride etc.

Well during this sensation i panicked and forced myself to go back sleep hoping that when i wake up it would be gone.

sadly it wasnt and 1 year and 1/2 later its still here.

Somedays its not that bad but the more i think about it the worse it gets. When i entertain myself or go into a social group i forget about it and it goes.

However when i realise its gone its almost as if it creeps back up and starts again. could it be that im that bored its all i can think about?

Please reply.


Alans Problems
12-03-12, 11:13
i have Exactly the same problem.. Not only is it constant dizzyness.. its me Constantly thinking im going to die.. its just a circle which you cant get out of..

12-03-12, 12:05
It is a circle, but it is a circle we can all get out of. Its not easy. Its all about re-training your mind. You literally have to teach yourself new habits. Its hard, and trust me, im trying to do it, but it can be done. If we dont believe we can change this, then we wont. We have to be positive about anxiety. Otherwise the anxiety wins. We are not anxiety, we are us. Everyone please be positive. I have suffered all my life and 5 months ago i relapsed. I constantly think im dying too.

15-03-12, 18:06
I have decided I have a dizziness phobia. I worry about it constantly. I dread it getting worse and never stopping.