View Full Version : Ovarian Cyst and CA 125 test

23-05-11, 17:42
Hi all,

Well I had an ultra sound on 11 may as was having ovarian pains and they found that I have 2 large cysts on my ovary that are 'simple' cysts.

Today I go to the gynaecologist to get examined and they offered to remove the cyst or monitor it for 4 months so I opted to monitor it.


They have sent me for a CA 125 test and I'm now terrified they suspect cancer :(

Anyone had any similar experience with this xxx

23-05-11, 18:05
I would say they are just covering all the options and checking everything out.

Sounds good to me.

23-05-11, 20:55
I had a complex cyst 2 yrs ago that they were sure was benign but they sent me for a mri scan of it plus the blood test just to confirm their diagnosis and it was a simple fluid filled cyst that went away itself about 5 months later - I had what felt like ovulation pain for about 4 weeks and when I had my followup ultrasound at 6 months it had gone.

They can tell the iffy ones just from the ultrasound but they like to totally sure and another reason for the test is that if they do a test now then they have a normal baseline for you if you need the test again in the future.

23-05-11, 21:06
Thanks countrygirl that's made me relax a bit.

Scary stuff tho eh! Xxx