View Full Version : Fissure ???

23-05-11, 18:39
Sorry to post again about the same thing!!!
Dr diagnosed a fissure last monday and gave me some cream, but its not helped and im in soo much pain.
Ive had fissures before and have never had this much pain with them
Have another drs appointment on friday. Just really worried that ive got an abcess or infection.
Surely i should of began to feel better !

23-05-11, 21:13
Hi PB ive had 3 of them and they can vary in healing time.

24-05-11, 01:59
I was diagnosed with one in February and still even now get a flare up if I forget to eat my fibre. They do take ages to heal.

I had cream, but found it insanely painful, and so my Doc switched me over to an ointment, which doesn't have the preservatives in it and so apparently doesn't react with the skin\fissure as much. Thus it is less painful. Maybe try that?