View Full Version : Scared about possible colon cancer

23-05-11, 18:48
Okay today when i had BM it was only slightly constipated. There was no blood in or on the stool or in toliet. But when i wiped it was full of bright red blood, quite a bit. Even the second wipe had a bit on it. Then after that a few more wipes it was gone pretty much.

Ive had blood on the toliet paper a bit for the past month just a tad here and there. Never have had blood on stool or in toliet and all my stools have been a slight bit constipated but not to bad. It doesnt really hurt when i go at all a few times it has though from worse constipation. My stomach always feels very bloated after i eat for the longest time even if i dont have a big meal.

I am just very scared to make a dr appt but im also scared if i dont and it is something serious. When the bleeding first happend it was like today pretty much covered the whole tissue, then it was never that bad again just a few specs here and there when i wiped. Should i be concerned? I have read a few threads on here about fissures and tears, but everyone says that theres was only spotted, while mine today look like it was from a bloody nose at first then went away. Please help!!!

23-05-11, 21:11
A little bit of blood goes a long way and it's a good sign that it was bright red. You may have internal hemorroids from the constipation. I have those. They don't cause me any problems apart from the blood.
You really should talk to a doctor though. The examinations are totally embarrassing but it's best to get it checked out :flowers: