View Full Version : 16 year old needing help, in tears, giving up

23-05-11, 19:22
I am in floods of tears, i have continuous non-stop worries going through my head and it never seems to stop.

I feel as if my life is falling apart, nothing ever seems to go right, i have severe health anxiety and nobody is helping me, i am only 16 and i don't want to live like this anymore.

I have problems with my friends, they all think i cancel all the time so never meet up with me anymore, but the reason why i cancel is because i get so anxious, and im so self concious, i think im so fat and unattractive its unreal :( people just don't seem to understand what im going through, if only they knew how i felt maybe they would get why i always cancel :'(
My mother recently moved away, i miss her so much, i'm going to a college which i really dont want to go to, i cant sleep at night, have trouble eating, have LOADS of symptoms, and the list just goes on. It's making my life a complete misery, i don't know what to do anymore.

I feel as if i am developing some kind of eating disorder, as soon as i get anxious i can't eat, and when i do, i feel like punshing myself because i know im so fat and need to loose weight. I am 5'1 and weigh 9 stone 4 im not sure whether this is bad or not, but most people around me all look slimmer than me.

I just want to be happy, im not like all the other kids, i prefer to be with my family than seeing my friends, my anxiety prevents me from doing the things i love in life, including going out in public. I did loads of excercise the other day and now im in so much pain, its all up my neck and back and i can hardly move. i just want everything to stop and be okay for once. I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY!!!!! :'( no one is helping me i don't know what to do, please help.. :'(

23-05-11, 19:47
I think you should go back to your doctor, tell him all of this and see if you can get a referral to the mental health team. you need some support and someone to help you get through this. therapy has helped me loads and although it's not for everybody it's something i'd recommend you try :)
try to distract yourself from some of your worries, read a book or watch a film. but get that appointmeyour at your doctors asap :) Xx

23-05-11, 19:48
I have already been referred but thats once every two weeks :( it isnt helping me at all :( thankyou though xx

23-05-11, 20:00
Hi Duke,

I'm sorry you are feeling so bad right now. Perhaps you need to go back to your GP and discuss what options are available for you. I know they don't like to prescribe meds at your age but they might be able to offer you some kind of therapy or counselling.

Keep trying to stay in contact with your friends and family as they will be able to help with the reassurance and make you feel less isolated.

I hope you feel better soon


23-05-11, 20:08
Hi, I would just like to say that 9st. 4lb is not fat even though you are just 5'1".

24-05-11, 09:27
Im 23 now and i have been having panic attacks and anxious thoughts since about your age. I wish i had talked to people about the way i was feeling and my worries back then, because i honestly feel that it would of made a huge difference to me today.
I basically let it take over my life from the age of 15/16 all the way up to now. Yes i have been able to do things like have 3 kids and my own house ect but i have completely no independance what so ever.
I used to always make excuses not to go out or do things what my friends were doing and just withdraw myself from things, i basically had noone.
Now at the age of 23 i feel i can find ways of managing it and my own way of dealing with things although i cant do alot of things.

I dont mean to bore what you, but i guess what im saying is go to the doctors now and talk about exactly how you feel, dont be embarrassed about it or hide anything - completely confide in your doctor because your so young and go your whole life ahead of you, and if i was in your shoes and no what i no now i would of done that.
You will get the right help you need such a CBT and trust me it does really help!

24-05-11, 09:55

It sounds like you're having a really stressful time at the moment with some really stressful and big changes in your life with your mother moving away and being at a college you don't like.These are also things that you feel that you haven't been able to control so it must have left you feeling very anxious indeed.

I highly recommend continuing with the counselling so you have someone pour out all your troubles to regularly. It's healthy to get it out of your system rather than letting it fester.

I can also recommend this little video which I found really helpful:

It's made by a guy with no arms and no legs who believes that we are ALL beautiful and can ALL be happy. He started his teenage years in utter misery and suicidal but turned it all around. There is hope. And you _are_ beautiful :)