View Full Version : what could this be?

23-05-11, 19:32
I am desparately seeking reassurance over something that I've been experiencing for nearly 2 weeks now.
Basically, when I take a deep breathe/yawn or lean forward/bend over I get a pain in my chest/throat. It varies on the position. It's like a crushing pain like something's pressing on my windpipe almost. It doesn't happen all the time but every now and again. I am able to take exercise and although this does make it slightly worse, I don't get any more out of breathe that is usual for me. It also seems to be worse when I get palpitations and the palpitations are almost painful too. Like massive painful thuds. I am also getting small amounts of cattagh in my throat, and it sort of feels like I've got a lump in my throat (Although I am aware that this may just be globus hystericus cause I'm worried in general).
I saw my doctor who did my pulse, blood pressure and listening to my heart and wasn't concerned. Just said to go back in 2 weeks if not better. So my I am satisfied with that, if that what he thinks. But he didn't give me any suggestion of what it might me. I just want to know if anyone has experience anything like this cause I am just at my wits end. I'm convinced it's something like a tumour or something really sinister in my general chest area. Please help me if you have any idea what's wrong with me. Thanks.

23-05-11, 19:34
Hi, i am only 16 but i experience pain like this to, the feeling is hard to explain, but ive been to my doctor aswell and all results have come back clear, there is probably nothing to worry about, i hope ive helped, best wishes x

23-05-11, 19:38
that does help thanks. just knowing someone else has had something similar :)

23-05-11, 19:42
great im glad :) it made me panic for a while, but ive had it so long it doesnt phase me anymore, do you think you could take a look at my post please? x