View Full Version : No one would know....

23-05-11, 21:07
I have read a lot of posts about people suffering so badly with this condition, and I feel like a bit of a fraud.

You see I don't think anyone would know what was going on inside me. I hold down a full time, stressful job. I socialise, travel etc. I have my little panics to myself and my tears on my own.

I know i am really lucky in comparison, but yet it still feels horrible to be anxious and upset. I know I am not right.

Is there anyone else out there who lives a full life and appears OK, but has these scary moments too??

23-05-11, 21:19
Bless you!

Its so hard. I hold down a full time job etc. To other people I am the life and soul of the party! But I'm not. I'm OK most of the time. But I have had to have time off. I pretend. I shut myself off when I'm feeling bad and try and get through it the best I can.

Most of the time I'm better off at work. Even though I have my scary moments and take my self off for a cry! And wonder if I can cope with it all.

BUT I do most of the time. And days pass quicker if you are occupied. One of my main problems when I am off work is keeping occupied, because that helps me.

So being at work if you can is good! You'll know when you need time off. I always do, there is only so much you can put up with!

Not sure I've been much help! Just my ramblings!!!!

Bumpydog xxx

24-05-11, 00:17
Everybody feels the way you do sometimes even if they. arent anxious.

24-05-11, 06:22
Sounds incredibly normal to me too.

I think it is great that you still hold down a full time job.

I chose to move to the country and spend more time with my family. You know like if you had been given only so many months to live. I seem to spend most of my time pottering. This feels sometimes like what it must feel like to retire. Nothing to get up for! No reason to be hear.

My problem is I am self employed but my work is very quiet at the moment and so I am looking for a nice part time job to occupy me. The longer I spend with myself the more pitiful I become of my situation.

You keep up the job as I am sure it is keeping your head above water. Me I am slowly sinking.

Take Care


24-05-11, 09:01
Same situation with me as well - only a tiny handful of people know that I have ever had severe problems with anxiety and depression. I've always managed to keep it hidden and since I've been an adult, usually the only people who have known have been long-term partners and people who've been looking after my health.

Like shadowgirl, I do a stressful job, socialise and travel (although I don't do flying unless I've really go to), and I do all sorts of other stuff, like radio work. But I've always tried to deal with my anxiety from within and can't bear the thought of other people knowing about it.

I've always found being at work better - it gives me something to do and makes me limit my anxiety, therefore it's one of the things I can do to stop myself giving in.